Wednesday, June 26, 2019

20 photos of old time Montreal circus visits that will move you so deeply that you'll even tell your neighbour about it

10 July 1939 Conrad Poirier two young women in satin bathing suits ose with a blown. (All photos by Conrad Poirier, shot in Montreal. Hosted on the BANQ site.)

Elephants at circus in Delorimier Stadium June 1948

Clowns Delorimier stadium 1948

Acrobats 1948

Strongman pulls car 1948

July 1939 clown and a woman in costume

 10 July 1939

1939 Montreal

Hamid Mortin Circus 11  May 1945

10 July 1939


  1. i recall as kid,fun times

  2. The old Montreal Forum used to feature such circuses in days gone by.

    Sadly, circuses which have survived and which include animals are under increasing pressure to shut down due to claims--real or imagined--of abuse.

  3. the good old days when animal cruelty was entertainment

  4. is that the delorimier stadium we see on 1 of the pic.


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