Thursday, December 18, 2008

CIBC sez 2008 = a terrible year for Montreal

The CIBCWMM Economic Activity Index is out. It crunches recent data based on the following criterai 1-population 2-employment 3-unemployment 4-full time employment as a share of employment 5-consumer bankruptcy rate 6-business bankruptcy rate 7-mls unit shares 8-housing starts 9-non residential building permits.
This year Regina was tops, thanks largely to the high price of oil and fertilizer. Let's see how they do with the $40 barrel. Toronto did well too. But they also look like they've got some looming problems with the auto industry. Montreal fared much worse in 2008 than 2007 when we placed fourth. This year we were all the way down to 13.

Home prices did well, but new construction was woeful and the job situation wasn't great, compared to other places anyway.

1 comment:

  1. You did a hatchet job on that middle guy's head, the guy who looks like Kojak.


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