Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Botched abortions in Montreal history

   A list of people in Montreal whose lives took a turn for the worst when they engaged in abortion attempts.
Dec. 1913 Sadik Bey describeda as a "Turkish military adventurer, crystal gazer and fortune teller" and Mme Martel nee Alphonisine Filiatrault were tried for performing an abortion on Emelienne Raymond. The abortion appeared to have gone fine and prosecution lacked evidence against the duo. Bey was presumably found not guilty because he was arrested again three years later on charges of threatening a young girl.
March 1928: Dr. Oscar Dunn Duckett was tried for murder after a failed abortion on resident Dorilla Germain, who died. He was originally convicted of manslaughter but it was appealed by five judges. She died after a botched abortion at his home at 4152 St. Hubert on June 28, 1927.
June 1936 Katherine Fequist, 28, died in a home on Centre street in Point St. Charles. She died after the operation in a nearby home of a stranger. Nurse Alice Hamelin of 2561 Centre was charged with murder.
April 1937 Jean Rene Mercier, 55 of 536 Desjardins was charged with murder of Jacqueline Roberg, 17, who died on April 15 at Jeanne d'Arc Hospital. She died of infection after telling real doctors that Roberge had injected her with something that smelled of bleach. Mercier was not a doctor.
Donna Blackburn's body was discovered
in a laneway in 1955
May 1942 Dr. A. Maxwell Lightstone, 56, of 5682 Esplanade was found guilty of manslaughter following the death of Rita Pallo, 21 of 764 Adequduct who died April 8, 1942. Lighstone was already dying.
June 20, 1947:  Emilienne Leclerc, 23, a seamstress from the Beauce came here to have an abortion but she died. Her boyfriend committed suicide when he heard the news of her death on February 8.
1947  Dr. Charles Alfred Molleur, 63, of 5214 Park was charged with murder and sentenced to hang.. Also charged:  Dr. Leon Azoulay of 1360 St. Catherine W., Dr. A.S. Kasatchenko of 51 Prince ARthur W., Dr. Roman Pniewsky of 3357 Park,Dr. Francois d'Assise Martin 1480 St. Joseph Blvd E.  He was freed while waiting for a new trial in June 1947. He didn't hang.
May 24, 1955, Donna Mickowsky Blackburn, 33, was found naked and dead in a laneway between Pine and Roy off St. Denis. after a botched abortion. Jack Seligman, 41, was charged with manslaughter. Seligman, as we've noticed was involved with Fairmount Bagel and also recklessly lent his boat, leading to 12 kids drowning the year earlier.
Sept: 1961: Simone Joncas, 18, died after apparently going for an abortion on October 27. Her body was found in the St. Maurice River. Charges of involuntary homicide against Coronoa Filiatreault-Giguere and France Lalonde, 49, of Pointe aux Tremble and Paulien Poulin-Turgeon, 28, of Assomption and Montreal were dropped due to lack of evidence. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:40 pm

    Getting an illegal abortion in Montreal was one of the major themes in the film based on various Michel Tremblay novels "Il etait une fois dans l'est" (1974)



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