Friday, July 24, 2015

'Nintendo' email costs Montreal med student

  "I was at home playing on my Nintendo," started an ill-advised email sent by a med student to his profs.
   Lucian Nenciovici started his email with that phrase in reply to a query sent by two of his Universite de Montreal profs asking why he missed a compulsory meeting.
   Nenciovici went on to explain in the paragraph "dumb jokes aside..." and  then offered a 600 word detailed summary of his schedule on the day in question.
   The email, with its attempted Nintendo-based irony, went over like a rhino in a bouncy palace..
   Nenciovici already had a strike against him for what were deemed to be compassion-related deficiencies. He apologized for the Nintendo email and his case was eventually sent to a school committee where a vote of 28-6 decided to cast him out of the school in late 2009.
   These details all became public because Nenciovici then attempted to sue the school for $150,000 for expelling him. A judge rejected his case earlier this month.  

1 comment:

  1. "Bien que je puisse comprendre que je sois antipathique aux yeux de certains patrons par mon accent étranger, mes prothèses auditives, ma barbe et mes connaissances supérieures aux autres externes"

    Lucian Nenciovici sure loves Lucian Nenciovici.


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