Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Great photos from Montreal in the 1970s

Montreal photographer Rejean Meloche has several hundred great photos of Montreal on display on his site. The pictures capture some amazing images on Montreal, mostly in the 1970s.
   (Useful tip: there's a subtle arrow to the right of the picture that allows you to advance to the next one).
   Meloche sells the photos as a way of supporting himself in his golden years, so contact him through his site if you wish to purchase a print. The photos are all subtly watermarked with his initials, which won't be there when you buy one.
   He said I could republish two or three of them on this site, so I took that to mean five or six.
Level crossing at Atwater and St. Jacques.

Rally to save something called Place des Poetes, whatever that was.
Firefighters strike in 1974 coincided with loads of blazes around town. This pic was shot in Point St. Charles to demonstrate the conditions people living around the blazes were forced to cope with.
During the 1976 referendum supporters of the Yes side plastered a Canadian army truck with Parti Quebecois decals and stickers. This photo was featured in Meloche's book Montreal l'Agitation Tranquille (2012) as well as Dix journees qui ont fait le Quebec. (2013)


  1. Thank You, Sir, for the photos, and the Link.

    Place is looking very tired.

    Thank You.

  2. I spent an inordinate amount of time looking at every one of the photos...

    About the PQ army truck, a little nitpick. The PQ slogan in the early 1970's, well before it took power, was effectively «Le Parti Québécois, oui!», so the picture is definitely before the referendum.

    1. Agree. Referendum was in 1980. PQ was elected in 1976

  3. These are some great photos.


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