Friday, April 15, 2016

Cops finally bust St. Henri shantytown one year after exposed by Coolopolis

   One year after Coolopolis shed light on a longstanding illegal shantytown set in a backyard in St. Henri, police have finally moved in.
   Last year the landlord interviewed by Coolopolis did not appear to consider the elaborate network of sheds to be an issue.
  City officials informed of the issue were also unresponsive.
  Everybody was too busy doing their incredibly important tasks and daydreaming about imaginary future potential problems rather than deal with the very real open sore on the face of St. Henri.
  Coolopolis more recently reported an altercation between the man who operates the shantytown and a concerned citizen, which further amplified the insanity. (Read through the comments for a rich narrative of mental craziness.)
  The makeshift sheds, it was believed, were being rented out as a sort of Air BnB for crackheads and vagrants and were unfit for human habitation. (Human habitation? Why do you have to specify humans? Is it really all about you? - Chimples)
    We will update you with any forthcoming information and hope that the fine reporting by the Coolopolis interns soon leads roses to bloom in this hellish circus of chaos where the blood of crystal meth-heads once flowed.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what the residents in the trilevels beyond had to say or if they had any video regarding the whole event over time?

    In summer with the windows open?

    Montreal is not the Third World, Yet


    Thank You, Sir.


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