Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Photos - with captions - that tell the story of Montreal

The Toronto Star has provided the Toronto Public Library website with many of its archival photos, which include scads from Montreal, mostly taken between 1930 and 1990.  The Coolopolis interns went through 100 pages to find the best of them.

2 Face-off: Yes and No supporters in Montreal confrontation.
Spremo, Boris 1980

    3 Arriving at a Montreal court are Gabriel Hudon; Raymond Villeneuve; among 15 key witnesses at reopened inquest in death of army night watchman Wilfred Vicent O'Neill1963

4 Policemen Guard FLQ Terrorist suspects at Inquest into death of bombing victim; But FLQ terrorists aren't the real enemy of confederation in Quebec - they're merely playing tragically with violence. Grant, Frank 1963

5 Hell on wheels: Montreal is hoping to relieve rush-hour congestion with an integrated transit plan including trains; buses and the subway. Motorists are up in arms because they will be saddled with 10 per cent of the tab through higher costs on downtown parking; autoroute tolls; gas and car registration. Spremo, Boris 1967
 6 Delighting 3;500;000 girl-watchers who view the Miss Canada Pageant on television last night; 17-year-old Montreal student Marie Beaulieu who was final winner poses here in the swimsuit portion of last night's contest. Jeff Goode 1968
7 Montreal supermarket cashier Lynne Bourgie passes food items over glass which reads pricing code on each article. The scanner automatically records the prices. One reader wonders what will happen when price changes occur. Do they re-code the items? he asks. Lennon, Frank 1975
Closing sign goes up at International Firearms Co. in Montreal; which is moving to Miami because of Tuesday night's looting and wrecking spree. Gerry Lamarche; posting the sign; has been with the firm six years and now is out of a job. Like most Montreallers; hoever; he's optimistic about the city's future.Dutton, Don 1969
9 Before the fight: Separatist leader Reggie Chartrand; wearing ring Quebec Libre sweater and Raymond Lemieux; in white helmet; head of a group that wants to keep education in the Montreal suburb of St. Leonard French only; lead a march that later erupted into a pitched battle with police last night. Marchers threw Molotov cocktails and stones while police fought back with tear gas and clubs.Pritchard, Garth 1969
10 Cockroaches Crawl around the flat Rene Legault; his wife and their four children occupy in a dilapidated house in Montreal's inner city; but it costs only $58 a month and they can't afford anything better. Only the elder son; Jean; left is employed. The other children are Pierre; 16; Marie-France; 13; Carmen; 18. Bezant, Graham 1970
11  "I myself perhaps don't agree with the action I took. I would like to feel better." Montreal store owner Guy Guilbeault, on shooting an armed robber.
McConnell, Colin 1986

12 Fighting back against Quebec; Jehovah Witnesses are claiming $15;000 damages from the city of Montreal; their lawyer; A. L. Stein; centre discloses. A. Gaskin; left; and R. Guillette face trial in February James, Norman 1945

13 Smiling P.O. Feodorov of Leningrad is en route home aboard Cedar Lake; one of the Canadian-made minesweepers being built at Midland and Penetanguishene. Manned by a Russian crew; the Cedar Lake is now at Montreal on the first leg of the voyage.
Arless, Richard 1945

This post is brought to you by Kristian Gravenor's Montreal: 375 Tales of Eating, Drinking, Living and Loving, on sale in bookstores and online spring 2017.


14 Buzz Beurling. Canada's first war-hero history has been written - and by the hero himself in the same hard-hitting manner in which he dealt out sudden death in the skies over France and Malta. Malta Spitfire, published in New York today (Farrar and Rinehart) is the story of Canada's No. 1 ace with the R.A.F. 1943

15 To Satisfy Her Urge to be doing something in Canada's war effort; socially prominent Joan Holland of Montreal has been working for the past year in the British inspection room of a big ammunition plant near that city. Miss Holland rides to work in a limousine; but checks in at the workmen's entrance and punches the time-clock just like any other girl worker. Above is twenty-year-old Joan writing out her bench report at the end of her day's work before she leaves. She helps make field gun cases.1941
16 They're capable; these woman; the foremen say. Louise Therriault of Montreal is seen in a bomber cockpit; connecting switch boxes; smiling as she works  James, Norman 1942

17 Handcuffed Hands Raised in the air; these men are some of those arrested after the Glenelg was attacked. Police charged them with trespass. In Montreal; counsel for Canada Steamship Lines said charges of piracy are being considered. The outbreak marks first appearance of R.C.M.P. in dispute between rival unions since navigation opened  1948

18 Eleven Families occupying two blocks of houses in the Montreal suburb of Verdun are staying right in the premises as the buildings are moved to another location. First home being moved; as seen here; houses Mrs. G. Ouellette and her 10 children Graetz Bros 1946

19 Fred Rose; Labor Progressive M.P. for Montreal Cartier; walks up the steps of the court house with his hands in his pockets. He and Sam Carr; National organizer of the Labor Progressive party; were named by Gouzenko as recruiting agents for a spy ring 1946

20 Second of famed quints to marry, Cecile Dionne is shown after she became the bride of Philippe Langlois, a Montreal TV technician, at a small parish church in Corbeil, near North Bay. Cecile had a $10,000 trousseau. About 80 guests, mostly relatives of the young couple. attending the nuptial mass which was followed by a $1,000 reception. The bride drew 'ohs and 'ahs' of admiration as she walked down aisle Teskey, Frank 1957

21 An unknown hoodlum fan in Montreal Forum Saturday night heaved an empty whiskey bottle at Referee King Clancy just as the Detroit - Montreal hockey game finished, and inflicted a severe cut on the hand of an usher. Clancy had just passed through the gate from the ice 1949

22 FLQ Bomb suspects sit in court today surrounded by Montreal and Quebec provincial police. FLQ is a terrorist organization dedicated to the removal of Quebec from Confederation. The suspects for the most part were young and shabbily dressed. They all were in need of haircuts.
Grant, Frank 1963

23 Eating can be as expensive as you care to make it-be it a 50 cent hamburg or a meal in one of the deluxe restaurants. But all have one thing in common they'll put out their best china for you. No paper cups or plates anywhere. Spremo, Boris  1967

24 Some 4;000 men are on the job at expo. Several projects were completed ahead of time.
Spremo, Boris 1966

25 Driving from Toronto to montreal is no problem. For a return trip of $20 you can cruise along Highway 401 in a day.  Spremo, Boris 1967

26 Cooling those 'Expo-Tired' feet. Just the way to cool off tired feet after a trip round Expo -dip them in a pool. From left Tom Brecshel; 12; Debra McConnell; 12; Ruth Haymer; 13; and Charles Kyle; 12; four of the 72-strong Star carriers who visited the fair as prize in circulation contest; really enjoyed themselves - and ended with a good old water fight. Bezant, Graham 1967

27 The miniskirt came to Canada for Expo. Left: two leggy beauties pause for a rest outside the U.K. pavilion. 1967

28 The apartment dweller of the future could find himself in a luxurious room - habitat style. Each Habitat apartment has its own garden and each gets some sun every day. Houses are prefabricated and hoisted into place. Spremo, Boris 1967

29 New shape in shipping is a big square box. First container train from Manchester Liner's Montreal container port arrived yesterday at Canadian National's $1;000;000 Concord express terminal at Keele St. and Highway 7. CN took 182 of the 20-ton containers off the Manchester Challenger. Some 158 were destined for Toronto; 10 for Hamilton; 8 for Winnipeg; 5 for Chicago and 1 for Detroit. The big boxes may revolutionize transport. James, Norman, 1968

30 Montreal's Eddy Agha; lining up shot prior to play; won first four games of Canadian pro snooker championship semi-final last night at Derby Billiards. Lennon, Frank, 1968

31 Children like these two in the slums of Montreal are victims of the violence of social injustice; writes Montreal Professor Fred Knelman. Spremo, Boris, 1968

32 Montreal police found a little time last night between fending off a march by students and militant cab drivers at city hall to give this boy and his wagon safe passage across a street. The demonstrators ran into an impassable array of police and soldiers when they reached the end of their half-mile protest march. Ross, Fred 1969

33 A woman chained to other militant feminists is grabbed by a Montreal policeman during a protest last night against the city's anti-demonstration bylaw. Today police patrolled the Grey Cup parade's route to avert more trouble. Griffin, Doug 1969

34 Clamped In A Headlock by a Montreal policeman who uses a threefoot riot baton to reinforce his grip; a demonstrator is hauled away last night during protest march on McGill University by 6;000 French-Canadian youths. Spremo, Boris 1969

35 Kidnapped diplomat's wife; Mrs. James Cross leaves family home on Montreal's Redpath Cres. in a car with detectives. She was taken to police headquarters to view a line-up of suspects detained by police in raids on known hangouts of separatists in hope she might identify one or more of the four terrorists who abducted her husband. Police said she was unable to single out anyone. Olsen, Bob

36 Cordon: Armed with automatic weapons soldiers move in by buses to cordon off a street near Avenue des Recollets in northern Montreal yesterday. Schoolchildren were evacuated from the area.
Spremo, Boris 1970

37 Clenched fists upraised a group of Montreal students chant FLQ slogans at the Paul Sauve Sports Arena in Montreal last night. About 2;000 turned out for rally in support of the Quebec terrorist group. Bezant, Graham 1970

38 Cleaning up: Using a snw shovel as a prop; Herbert Lorenzo rests during the clean-up of his brother Helmul's Montreal radio and hi-fi store. Helmut was beaten up when a gang of hoodlums invaded the shop and started stealing $40;000 worth of equipment. The scene was repeated many times in the city as policemen and firemen went on strike. They returned to their jobs early this morning. Dutton, Don, 1969

39 Talented fingers. Afro-American talent abounded on the stage of the Town Hall at the St. Lawrence Centre last night; and Beverly Glenn of Montreal was one of the highlights of the evening with her guitar as the Afro-American Progressive Association presented a Black Showcase of entertainment. Variety included the Otu Highlife W'Afrika band. Goode, Jeff, 1970

40 Prime minister Pierre Trudeau and Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa; surrounded by plainclothes security men; leave Notre Dame Church in Montreal after funeral services for Pierre Laporte. Trudeau flew from Ottawa to Montreal by helicopter; escorted by other helicopters; and landed at city hall; just two blocks form the church. Security measures were strict; prompted by police concern that the Front de Liberation du Quebec might attack official mourners.Griffin, Doug 1970

41 She's the winner: Miss Montreal Alouette; Nancy Durrell; lets out a cry of surprise after she was chosen last night as Miss Grey Cup. With her; from left are third-place Miss Hamilton Tiger Cat; Linda Endicott (centre) and second-place Miss Edmonton Eskimo; Anita Urschel. Nancy reigned over the Cup parade. Spremo, Boris, 1970

42 Shrinking birth rate in Quebec threatens French community with a crisis; and is one reason for strident nationalism. French Canadians might even become a minority in Montreal in future years.
Griffin, Doug 1971

43 Montreal welcome. Jubilant Montreal fans express their delight at the return of Team Canada with a welcome that resembled a love-in. Spremo, Boris 1972

44 If you don't insist on crisp lines; elaborate menus and extensive wine lists eating out in Montreal need not be expensive Darrell, Dick 1973

45 Canada - Quebec - Montreal - Subway Darrell, Dick 1973

46 During illegal strike by Montreal firemen last month; the homes of 80 families were gutted despite attempts of civilians to fight the flames. The illegal strike has become almost commonplace; especially in the public sector.Olsen, Bob 1974

47 Latest attempt to make Iacrosse into major attraction gets under way Wednesday with Toronto Tomahawks in Montreal. Promoters feels sport can be sold if presented as a professional game in major league surroundings. All teams in National League are playing in good arenas. Above; during pre-season match; Rochester's Larry McCormack delivers smashing check to 'Hawks' Joe McCrea.
Spremo, Boris 1974

48 Caught in full flight: Montreal Canadien defenceman Pierre Bouchard puts crunch on Buffalo forward Richard Martin at Forum last night. Martin was kept in check throughout the Stanley Cup playoff game and so were his mates as Canadiens roared to 7-0 victory. Buffalo has 2-1 edge with game four tomorrow. Lennon, Frank 1975

49 Across the border the hard way. The Mad Canadian-as Ken Carter, 38, formerly of Montreal, calls himself-plans to jump one mile across the St. Lawrence River on July 4, 1976, in a rocket-powered car. In Toronto to promote the stunt, he said he'd make the crossing from Morrisburg, Ont., to Ogden Island, N.Y. Carter now lives in Florida. Innell, Reg 1975

50 Montreal Mayor Drapeau in Olympic Velodrome: Taiwan issue adds to a host of other woes for the Games. Bezant, Graham 1976

51 Hungry people demanding food. A group of homeless welfare recipients mill around the main gate at Olympic Village yesterday. They arrived in pick-up trucks and demanded to cart away large quantities of food that they claim is being thrown out from Village cafeteria. However; officials turned them away saying that only food thrown away is rotten. Loek, Dick 1976

52 Homeward Bound: A sad memento of his abortve trip to Montreal lying at his feet; Upper Volta cyclist Youssouf Pakmagoo endures a long wait for his plane home last night at Mirabel International Airport. He is amont the 650 atheltes from 30 countries who have been called home in an Olympic boycott inspired by black African nations protesting South Africa's white-supremacist regime.
Olsen, Bob 1976

53 Groceries still delivered Bezant, Graham  1979

54 Victor Davis: Athlete killed by car in Montreal. Goode, Jeff  1984

55 Municipal mirth: Visiting Montreal Mayor Jean Dore (left) and Toronto Mayor Art Eggleton laugh yesterday at Toronto City Hall after a photographer suggested they go to the nearby Peace Garden and arm wrestle. Instead, they discussed how their cities can better co-operate. Cooper, David

56 Backyard: Cohen's house in Montreal is near the Main, a traditional immigrant neighborhood.
Stawicki, Andrew 1988

57 Montreal's hot new singing star; comic/impressionist Andre-Phillippe Gagnon who is making first national concert tour ending at the O'Keefe Centre June 1; scored 9 out of 15 on our quiz.
Dunlop, Alan 1988

58 Victims mourned: Some of an estimated 8;000 visitors file past the coffins of eight of the women murdered at the University of Montreal. Spremo, Boris 1989

1 comment:

  1. Photo #41....Nancy Durrell lived across the street from me on Harvard Avenue in the mid 1950s. Her brother Jim was one of my 1st friends in life. The family later lived on Melrose Avenue before moving out to Beaconsfield. Many years later Jim became the mayor of Ottawa. He was very involved in professional sports in Ottawa. A few years ago I got an e-mail from Jim telling me he had received the Order of Canada medal. I believe he owns a Jeep dealership in the city. Another friend of mine on Harvard Avenue back then was a guy named Jean Chagnon. Jean lived directly across the street from the Durrells. A few years ago I sent Jean several old photos I have of him from the 50s including being at my 8th birthday party. Jean's father, Jean, and now Jean's son, have all been president of an international corporation that markets among other things, La Vache Qui Rit (Laughing Cow) cheeses....... I was living in Toronto where the Grey Cup was that year. A bunch of guys came up from Montreal and you might say a bit of drinking went on. Nancy was escorted out onto the field by none other than Pierre Trudeau who was wearing a fur coat. I'm not 100% sure of this but I believe Nancy graduated from McGill U and a year or 2 later she and her husband moved to the UK where she has been very active in social causes, particularly the plight of young mothers in emerging countries. TMI?


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