Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Montreal world firsts: a list that will make you explode with pride and joy again and again

A list of things that Montreal was first in the world at.
1868 World's first kidney removal was performed at Hotel Dieu Hospital.
1872 World's first tongue and jaw amputation was performed at Hotel Dieu Hospital
1874 World's first game of modern football was played between Harvard and McGill in Montreal.
1875 First recorded indoor hockey game takes place at Victoria Rink on Drummond.
1883 World's first hockey tournament takes place as the Montreal Winter Carnival happens in Montreal.
1890 Louis Rubenstein becomes world's first figure skating champ in an international competition in St Petersberg.
1896 First x-ray used in a court case. George Hodder shot Tolman Cummings in the leg inside a Montreal bar around Christmastime 1895. Surgeons couldn't find the bullet but doctors located the it thanks to an x-ray image taken at McGill University. The bullet and x-ray were used in court and Hodder was sentenced to 14 years in prison in February 1896. It is believed to be the first time an x-ray was used in a court case. Source Taming the Rays by Geoff Meggitt.
1898 Westmount Arena, the world's first designed specifically for hockey, opens.
1901 World's first police forensics labs opens in Montreal under Eugene Laflamme.
1907 Ernest Rutherford becomes the first to prove the concept of radioactive half-life at McGill University and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
1919 Montrealer JKL Ross's horse Sir Barton becomes the first horse to win the Triple Crown.
1945 Jackie Robinson becomes the first African American to sign with a major league affiliate team and debuts with the Montreal Royals next season.
1959 World's first femur transplant performed at Hotel Dieu Hospital.
1959 First maintenance and overhaul unit designed exclusively for turbine aircraft opened at Dorval Airport.

It's the craziest, funniest, scariest and most insightful book ever written about Montreal. Absolute must-reading! Kristian Gravenor's Montreal: 375 Tales of Eating, Drinking, Living and Loving, order your paper copy here now.


1966 - October: Montreal unveils world's first fully rubber tired subway system. 
1967 Montreal hosts world's first satellite telecast  at Expo 67
1976 Montreal's Velodrome becomes first indoor racing track. It was used for the Montreal 1976 Olympic Games.
1981 World's first recovery of a patient with 90 percent burns on his body performed at Hotel Dieu.
1983 The world's first robotically assisted laparoscopic surgery performed at Hotel Dieu.
1987 World's first global treaty for protection of the environment was signed in Montreal.
1990 Montreal Heart Institute introduces world's first percutaneous cryocatheter
2002 - Montreal undertakes the world's first large-scale urban demergers.
2011 World's first commercial rooftoop greenhouse opens in Montreal.
2013 McGill unveils McSleepy, world's first completely automatic anesthesia delivery system.
2015 World’s first open surgery orthopedic training simulator created in Montreal by CHUM hospital researchers.
2017 World's first "connected bridge" unveiled, as the Jacques Cartier Bridge lights up.
2017 McGill University's Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital beomes world's first open science institution, which means that they share research for free.
2017 World's first dual-fuel asphalt tanker christened in Montreal. It was designed by the Desgagne Group and built in Turkey.

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