Saturday, November 04, 2006

Eliminate the red greens

You know that little white silhouette of the man walking - (how racist is that anyway?) that suggests that you can cross while cars which should otherwise have a green wait? They don't make much sense to me. They cause such a backlog at the Sherbrooke street entrance to the Expressway that cars are routinely blocking the intersection of Decarie and Sherbrooke. Today some old coot tried so hard to cut in front of me into my lane that his mirror hit my mirror. I was amazed that this old geriatric and his wife would have the gall to do this and she even rolled down her window, whereupon I offered to break their mirror as recompense for this recklessness. This got these entitlement-crazed Westmount scum to shut up pretty quick. As you can see, I'm a very patient and kind driver.

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