Monday, December 04, 2006

Capri on St. Patrick - a Montreal city icon

Apparently last Friday was the first time in owner Jean-Paul's 20 years of ownership of the Capri that he had to actually turn clients back at the door.
   Jean Paul of the Capri says that his clientele has blossomed so much that the 200-seat St. Patrick street Point St. Charles brasserie couldn't handle all the business coming its way.
   The place deserves every bit of its success. I suspect many land here because it's a much more reasonably priced than that faux working class clip joint a few blocks over whose name I won't mention ...ah heck..Magnan's. Many Capri faithful once hung out at Magnan's, but the old time local Irish contingent vowed to never return after being banned from singing there. It would seem that others were blown by the same easterly breeze, encouraged no doubt by the Capri's specialty, pickled pigs feet.
   There's also that bit of business where Magnan's owner was a city concillor in the 80s and banned all new competing bars in his own area, which seems a bit conflict-of-interesty. So I cheer for the Capri, it's a great place full of wide smiles and good food and old time brasserie fare. Jean Paul rolls up his sleeves and gets right into the kitchen to help out, my kinda dude. That's him on the right in that photo.


  1. My dad worked in the Point and one of the most popular trivia quizzes from the 50's, 60's era in the bars was How many bars are there in the Point?

    Name them!


  2. Sounds like a trick question - probably the answer being - none, they're all brasseries (ie: no women allowed). If not, I'd say there was the Woodland somewhere down near Sebastapol, Goldie's on Center, Magnan's. One thing I'm curious about is where that Fennario play On the Job was set. You will recall that it was set in a bar in the Point but I should ask the guy which one it is.

  3. I think you meant the Westlake on Favard and Congregation

  4. Yeah, that's the one I mean. I popped in there once when it was well past its prime. There was barely a soul anywhere. Strange spot to have a bar. There was a well-known local police officer named Westlake about 15 years ago who was one of those who triumphed over the bottle. By the way, does anybody know exactly where the Bucket of Blood was?

  5. The answer was always 21.

    But, gee, can I remember any now?

    Pall Mall (corner Butler and Wellington)
    Sports (on Wellington just east of overpass, might be better remembered as Palimino today)

    Anyway... not a trick question as any non restaurant place that served booze would do.

  6. Goldie's too, it was there on Center Street until not all that long ago. Now I believe it's some sorta chic joint.


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