Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Lazy traffic guard derelict on his duties - The shame!!!

Spotted this traffic guard on Queen Mary and Decarie a couple of weeks ago totally doing nothing as people cross the street. He probably thinks his job is to only help small children and the rest of the time he can stand around and do nothing when adults cross, but what if an adult is imperceptibly vulnerable? Maybe one person looks normal but has a condition which makes him a bad pedestrian. He really should be taking charge of that intersection, establish his presence take charge guy! - instead of passively laying back waiting for tiny tots to come along. Somebody go talk to this guy.


  1. Maybe he's serving as a pylon.

  2. I have likewise seen negligent traffic guards who tend to focus on assisting school kids while ignoring adult would-be street crossers who the traffic guards presumably believe can fend for themselves.


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