Sunday, December 03, 2006

Chez Francoise still rockin'

If you've never been to the Bar Chez Francoise at St. Catherine and Valois, it's a solid, unpretentious good time.
   Hasn't changed much since I went five years back.
   Same owner, same piano man and same barman, Christian, who was very shy to pose for this photo, although he's a pretty good looking dude.
   I've been about 8 or so times and it's always a hoot, there's always a ton of acts, but Patrick Joly, whose picture is in a couple of these photos in the background, is the hottest thing going. He's generally there Thursday evenings, I'm told.

1 comment:

  1. je vais a tous les jeudis depuis un tit bout de temps chez Francoise et serieusement cest vraiment le fun pis en plus la soiree karaoké du jeudi soir animé par patrick cest plus que parfait =) (*)MaRy(*)


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