Sunday, December 03, 2006

Was Queen Victoria's grandson murdered in Montreal West?

  What is still believed to be Queen Victoria's secret grandson was found dead next to the train tracks in Montreal West 99 years ago next week.
  Henry Locock, 39, a British army officer had fallen from a train going from Montreal to Kelowna BC, where he was trying to track down Walter Stirling, his biological father as a result of an out-of-wedlock fling with Princess Louise, Queen Victoria's sixth of nine children.
   On December 10, 1907 his dead body was found next to the tracks with $47 in the pocket. At the time foul play was not suspected but I've got to wonder now myself.
  He was trying to reach a friend of the royal court named Walter Stirling, who had apparently retired in Kelowna. He believed Stirling to be his true father.
   He had been adopted in 1867 by Dr. Charles Locock, Queen Victoria's gynecologist.
   His mother Princess Louise supposedly gave birth to Henry at age 19, a couple of years before she married the Governor General of Canada, the famously promiscuous homosexual Lord Lorne who'd never met a waiter he didn't try to goose. The province of Alberta is named after Princess Louise - as her name is Princess Louise Caroline Alberta - as is Lake Louise. Her art collecting habit helped launch our National Gallery. She had no other children.
   A 75-year-old descendant in South England led a legal campaign to exhume his grandfather's body two years ago for a DNA test in an effort to prove that indeed his grandpa was Victoria's real grandson but a judge nixed the demand, so we shall probably never know the truth.
   Another indication that he might've been a big shot is that his descendants unexpectedly inherited a whopping sum of cash after his death. Personally I suspect he was shoved out of the moving train by a porter but we'll likely never know.

1 comment:

  1. mary.rob@globetrotter.net12:01 pm

    I am writing an introduction for a screenplay which I am working on... I have already done much studying on the life of the Princess and this is another chapter in her life that I must look into. Can you give me any direction as to how I might find out more. Thank you for this blog post.


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