Friday, May 09, 2008

Rod Vienneau's sizzlin' new book on the Duplessis Orphan scandal...

The tireless Rod Vienneau of Joliette has penned a book, in French, revealing some of the fruits of his neverending research into the terrible & ongoing injustices suffered by people such as his wife Clarina Duguay, who was put in an insane asylum as a child because it was more profitable for the Duplessis government to do this than to put them in a proper orphanage.

Here's some. In 1959 Duplessis announced that he would build 10 new sanitoriums. Now a sanitorium, what's that exactly? Well, it's generally thought of as a place to treat tuberculosis. We've had a ton of problems with TB in the past, but certainly not in 1959. So what's the big idea? Anyway Duplessis was soon gone and his successor Lesage presumably ditched that weird idea, right? Nope. Not only did Lesage build the 10 sanitoriums, he built 34 across Quebec! A sanitorium is generally a place far away from the city. Nobody would want to go to such a place. A set up for medical experimentation on children.

Another: in most places graveyards are next to churches. In Quebec they're often next to hospitals.

Another: many hospitals in Quebec had their own municipal status. In Montreal the St. Jean de Dieu in the city's east end (now called Louis Hippolite Lafontaine) was a separate municipality called Gamelin with its own police and fire force. Police, when dropping off a drunk, would not be allowed past the gate. Whatever they did inside those walls was their own businesses. There were credible reports of children - perhaps undergoing mysterious experiments - with swollen heads. Another of a 5 year old child chained to a radiator.

There are mysterious unexplained graveyards and hospital records mysteriously missing.

Vienneau's neighbour Paul St.Aubin, an orphan of the later period, has scars all over his skull from when he was detained as a child, in forced farm labour and incarceration. He's clearly the victim of forced lobotomy but he has no memory of any of it.

Vienneau's quest is to find the truth and create some sense of justice, for example, many of the children involved in this heartless scam still maintain the false records of insanity that were pinned on them to justify their incarceration inside insane asylums, in spite of promises, these were never erased. Nor were the orphans given any kind of just compensation, they were given $1,000 per year inside plus an extra $10,000 each, which is insane considering the settlements of victims of similar tragedies elsewhere (must be mentioned again that the bureaucrats processing the files were paid $1,000 per day! for their work).

Hopefully there'll be a book launch in Montreal for Vienneau's important book, I'll keep you posted.

Rod has asked me to pass his phone number along for anybody who'd like further information about this subject: 1-450-756-4253.


  1. Anonymous6:22 pm

    The old religious building near Cote-de-Liesse and the 40 merge, renovated by Belcourt and now managed by Soltron, and nearly 100% vacant for years, gives me the creeps everytime I drive by. The near-dead trees on the driveway are stark reminders that many a young boy and girl was beaten inside. I have known people who have taken property tours in search of office space and they tell me that they get chills just walking in the door, that they feel frightened and want to get out quickly, and would never ever want to think of working late at night there.

  2. TIP OF THE ICEBERG, Kristian!

    The story of the Duplessis orphans has to be seen in the context of other, similar cases of mass murder of children in secret medical experiments, many of them run by the military under protection of "national security."

    Across Canada, reports of a wide program of lethal medical experiments, concentrated in the crucial Cold War/MKULTRA years 1953-64, continue to be suppressed or ignored by the media.

    Check out Kevin Annett's website, with information on his Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada at

    For some extremely shocking revelations about a parallel program of Nazi-style experiments at Lincoln Park, Alberta, see

    The sole survivor of Lincoln Park, who was 5 years old in 1958, may herself have been a Duplessis orphan transported from Quebec to Alberta by people in our military. The Department of Defence refuses to release any files on this.

  3. Here's what under the tip of the ice berg. My medical records and X-rays at disclose unauthorized psychosurgical and brain implant experimentation,(Dec. 9,1969 & Jan. 27,1972, at 14 & 16 years of age) without informed consent, nor
    parental knowledge. This information correlates with the CIA MK-ULTRA project of psychosurgical and brain implant research, upon unwitting subjects. Those subjects being myself, and
    other children who suffer epilepsy at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children.
    It has been 38 years of criminal assault by this hospital, when still experiencing on-going episodes of cerebral hemmorrahaging in the operative field.
    More disturbing, these 43 unauthorized metallic implants in the cerebral cortex are recognized
    as manchurian candidate developmental research. Such research, in which there was no choice, and is not conducive for treating epilepsy, according to Operating Theatre technique, by R. J. Brigden, (1969) outlining neurosurgical standard for that year.
    Thses experiments were most cruel,
    sadistic, and inhumane, when screaming verbal profanities during a local cranium incision, since I could not tolerate the sound of my skull cracking apart.
    While the Ontario College of Physicains and Surgeons, Ontario Health Professions Board,Police,
    and government,play obstruction, damage control,and concealment, I have a patient advocate informing me of a "on-going problem".
    World needs to be educated, that Canada is extremely dangerous for children, when our elected members of government are concealing unauthorized covert human experimentation upon defenceless
    For your attention, I remain.
    Terry Parker Jr./aka Robertson

  4. Anonymous9:46 am

    Does anyone know or have contact information for Mr. Vienneau? I am a writer trying to find him. Thanks in advance.

  5. I have edited the text to include his phone number.

  6. Anonymous6:23 am

    IT occued in Australia also Senate Hansard Melbourne hearing March 2011...Born in 1961, the same year as The Family established itself in Melbourne, the same year that thousands of illegitimates were born in North Carolina who underwent the same treatment regime of impoverishment, the sterilisation programs. It was a period where Nazi experiments
    continued in Melbourne upon vulnerable boys. When Hitler was creating his own master race from single unwed mothers,
    adoption in Australia became a class war for the master race, the same as the Third Reich, the genocide program and Nuremberg. North Carolina supports its illegitimate sterilisation victims. Australia does not

  7. Anonymous4:35 am

    Is Mr.Rod Vienneu still answered this phone number? I 'm a filmmaker who like to talk to him about his book.

  8. Anonymous9:53 am

    I and my ex-brother were also orphans at this place on Côte de Liesse in Montreal. My repressed memories are slowly coming back. I was also severely beaten about the back and bottom numerous times by the nuns and locked into the pitch dark basement for hours. I can also remember brain experiments or tests done on me in some hospital. Very sketchy details. There was something ominously familiar about this place, I needed to investigate it further. Thanks for sharing, Robert C. Montreal, Qc

  9. Hi I wanted to know if there is an email address for Mr. Vienneau? I live in the U.S. and my brother was (luckily) adopted from this horrible place in 64. We wanted more information, as we are trying to understand what may have happened to him previous to the adoption. Thanks so much...

  10. Anonymous2:22 am

    I am well acquainted with this case as I am a survivor and a Duplessis Orphan my self. I have been in touch with Rod and I have also written one book already in print called Americas First Family of Adoptions Pivas Portant People about how I survived being born into the Orphanage in Montreal. I have written my second book in one year about this terrible trauma that we all endured as Duplessis Orphans the newest book I wrote on Kindle and on AMAZON shortly is called RICKY"S WITS OF WITTICISM A PRIMER ON UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and they are both an awesome history of the terrible traumas we all endured in MONTREAL and we all seek justice now so please if you wish to make a movie or documentary we can do it with these two masterpieces in print now --- I am RICKY PIVA and I can be reached at ---please contact me now. This must be made into a movie or documentary now or both---- please help now thanks


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