Sunday, October 26, 2008

If you love this city - sign this petition

Nobody can sing in quite the same magnificent manner as NDG - born William Shatner.

Montreal needs Captain Kirk to boldly go where he has never gone before and sing the national anthems before at least one game this season prior to a Canadiens hockey game here in Montreal.
Coolopolis and its interns feel so strongly about this issue that we've launched a petition to urge team management to hire Captain Kirk to do deed.

Please click here to sign the petition.


  1. NDG-born and Outremont-raised...

    Tho I still can't get "Mr. Tambourine MAAAANNNNN!" out of my memory...

  2. btw - National Anthems, plural? You mean the Hockey Night in Toront- er, I mean, Canada theme AND "O Canada"?

    Or are you referring to that old English drinking song that Francis Off Key put new words to during that scuffle in the early 1800s where the Yanks raided Montreal?

  3. Anonymous10:07 pm

    NDG raised and Mile-End born, no?


    (The building he lived in is on the north side of Van Horne, not the south as the article states. I pass by there on the 161 all the time.)


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