Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How Nun's Island was supposed to look

The photo above shows the original developers of Nun's Island, financiers Remer and Gewurz alongside Colin Gravenor (that's him with the 'stache) who had the idea to snag the barren island in 1956. 
   Gravenor convinced Louis St. Laurent's government that a long-discussed new bridge should be built through the island, even though it's a longer route. 
   The Champlain Bridge was announced just in time, as Gravenor would have been unable to make his next payment, the $100,000 after 90 days one. 
   That's when everybody else jumped on board. They convinced Verdun to annex the island and install roads and sewers. Surely they're happy they did.

   The original plan was to construct workers' housing, a la mainland Verdun throughout the island.
   But there was construction delays, largely because my father was constantly taking legal action against everybody.
   During the delay, the isle was revised to a more upscale area, so my father's litigiousness had inadverted good results. 
   Gravenor sold his interests very early and bought a parking lot next to the Old Forum. He always wanted Nun's Island to be called Camelot, like the play.
   You'll note the Bonaventure Expressway wasn't anticipated on the original map, but the Galt Bridge, which will supposedly be built within a few years, was. Thanks to the always-gracious Gewurz family for the photos.


  1. Jean Naimard3:16 pm

    That Galt bridge should be restricted to transit only (and bikes).

  2. Anonymous8:43 pm

    While you're dealing with your fsther, when are we going to get the skinny on Canada Month?

  3. I've read they used garbage from Verdun to level Nun's island... There still are bio-gas vent pipes all around, when you start looking behind the tall buildings.


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