Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Whatever happened to ol' whatshername

This woman whose name escapes me (I could look it up if required) bravely went to bat in favour of legalized prostitution for Quebec sometime in the early 90s. I know because I interviewed her and took this photo. (She clearly got dressed up for your visit. - Chimples) Her apartment had virtually no furniture, perhaps it was temporarily on loan at the pawn shop. She posed with a portrait someone had drawn of her, undoubtedly from her glorious stripper days. I wrote an uncharacteristically polished article debating the issue, almost giving her a veneer of intelligence, but alas this photo did not appear and this is the first the world is seeing of it. Wonder if she's still alive. I'm betting that she was no stranger to a crack pipe. There's a song in there somewhere waiting to be written. 


  1. Jean Naimard3:08 am

    Nitpick. Prostitution **IS** legal. It’s just solliciting on the street that is not.

  2. "an uncharacteristically polished article"

    LOL! Good one.

  3. i vaguely remember that...i bet she doesn't remember it at all...

  4. John Moss4:09 pm

    I don't know who is "deja vuing", me or you, but this photo looks a lot like the mural that you included on your Coolopolis post of December 22, 2006. Is it syncronicity or some unknown forces at work?


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