Thursday, March 26, 2009

Marcel Tremblay retires

As we first predicted long ago on Coolopolis, NDG City Councillor Marcel Tremblay, also known as the mayor's brother, is quitting his municipal politics shtick to do whatever else he does. His last day at work will be on Halloween 2009. Tremblay was elected on a plan to improve access between lower NDG and the upper part and put cameras in the Melrose tunnel with a big TV monitor. That project was quickly scrapped and there is no better access between the two NDGs than there had been. He did, however, have the $4 million St. Raymond's Center built, which is a sparkling and magnificent resource that is abuzz with kids doing their homework and flinging dodgeballs. Little secret that the French school board commissioner Marie Jose Mastromonaco, who relocated from the East End, is slated to replace him as a Union candidate. She might have a useful Italian name but she's not exactly a back slapping man of the people that the NDG native Tremblay was. In fact the only time we've heard of her was when she got the blame for pulling the crossing guard out from the busy corner of Upper Lachine and Girouard. We're much keener on candidate Peter McQueen who not only has an impressive mane of red hair, but he's been poring over the dossiers closely for years and dealing with people on the ground from all levels. Tremblay quitting suggests that the upcoming road remakes involving the MUHC superhospital and the Turcot Interchange could become a major pain in the neck to the area, something he would probably not want to deal with.


  1. is peter mcqueen an option? (last i had a chance to vote for him it was on a provincial ballot).

  2. Yeah he's going to be the Project Montreal candidate. He ran for the provincials but his main interest is in city politics.

  3. Anonymous6:19 pm

    Mastromonoco has a regular weekly e-mail newsletter with shcool board and community news which she sends to any who want to receive it. Up to issue 180 or so now.
    Trouble is, she never has anything to say pm her own except drivel. She got re-elected to the school board unopposed this past election.


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