Friday, March 27, 2009

Quiz - who said this?

Famous anglo Montreal resident once said this about the East End in the summer of 1979.

I shoot pool in a place about three blocks from here and the only English word in the place is "rack 'em." And I get along fine. I get along fine wherever I go. I'm still the same person. I haven't changed. I enjoy it here. I enjoy it alot. I have my anonymity. The beard, people started seeing it but it comes off tonight and then they won't see me and I can skate around for another few months and nobody will know me and then by that time I'll start growing another one.

We have a correct reply. It is indeed Bill Lee, eccentric lefty hurler from the beloved Expos. Here's the interview. Alas the correct guesser doesn't get the cash prize because he didn't write a name or handle.


  1. Anonymous8:56 am

    G. Gordon Liddy?

    du Pois

  2. Anonymous11:21 am

    Bill Spaceman Lee ?

  3. Wild Jim9:38 am

    Thanks for finding that. Makes me wonder where McDevitt's jacket and tie ended up.


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