Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sal the Ironworker comin' to Montreal.

Salvatore Montagna, the reputed boss of the Bonanno crime family is moving to his birthplace of Montreal. Not that he wants to. Sal "The Ironworker" Montagna was born here and now he's being deported back because he was living in New York without being an American citizen. His lawyer says he has friends here and he's going to look for work in the iron industry. 

There are no listings in the Lovell's Directory for Montagnas in Montreal around the time of his birth in 1971.

The only evidence we can find of a Montagna in Montreal is a woman named Maria Montagna who died in 2006. She was mother of Mauro Colella and Adolfo Colella. Maybe she was Sal's aunt. Maybe not. 

So if Sal is looking for some work in the domain of iron, here's some job listings


  1. Chuck2:03 pm

    With the Hells Angels wiped out, he can find job easily...

  2. Wow. I have read alot about the Bonano crime family, esp of the past. Had no idea who this guy even was. I guess there goes the neighborhood.

  3. Michael Black6:44 pm

    It may be later than you think. Look at the date
    of the last entry, April 18th. It's now April 27th,
    9 days later, and there hasn't been another entry.
    Maybe someone didn't like the entry.


  4. Anonymous5:36 pm

    Where are you guys? Did Sal get to you?

  5. Anonymous10:12 am

    Are you OK ? Might not be too healthy to write about Sal

  6. Anonymous10:06 pm

    Sal's wife is pissed! The Feds deported him before his little girls' 1st Communion...Come on, have a heart!!!


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