Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Mammys gone forever!

As we reported in January 2007, Mammy's Fish and Chips on Church Street in Verdun - just north of Verdun Avenue - was going to be a goner. The building has recently and finally been demolished, as has the electrical fixit joint next door. Supposedly there's condos going to be planted in there.


  1. Anonymous5:47 pm

    Never a haven for the diet conscious, not were the ingredients of their sauce detectable.

    But always a kind word from behind the counter.
    And the portions were generous.

    Who else has good fish'n'chips?

  2. These Chinese family from Maison Egg Roll were the last owners. The daughter was married to one of the Insane Hilton boxing brothers. (Alex I guess?). They had a kid or two. He was working there for a while. He got stoned and aggressive and they got a restraining order against his lunatic ass. Whoever bought the property bought it alongside the other property as well. I guess sushi is the last viable fish style restaurant.

  3. The writing had been on the wall at Mammy's for some time. While I'd had many delectable meals at the Lachine outlet, the one time I ordered from the Verdun establishment (take out) it was pretty much inedible. Still, sad to see a local landmark gone.


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