Friday, April 03, 2009

Speak about destruction!

Graffiti vandals leave their websites now. Shot today at Oxford Park.
The excellent Laura Roberts shot this from her window on 3rd Ave. between Verdun and Wellington this afternoon, taken from her Twitter thread. Lots of fires in Verdun this year. I could go on....

I took it upon myself to bring this pic, along with others, back to life. It was on the wall of Momesso's restaurant, around 1986. Knuckles Nilan looks like he's about to hammer the poor old guy. Reminds me of this story - apparently Nilan met a Leafs fan in a bar once and didn't much like the kid's yapping. Nilan headbutted the guy and busted his nose. He was immediately contrite, ponied up a $100 and took off, or so the story goes anyway.


  1. Tony Kondaks1:12 am

    Ah, Momesso's...

    A draft beer and one of those wonderful sweet Italian sausage subs, with cabbage, and light on the peppers, please...

  2. Anonymous6:33 pm

    The web page on killer cops is still a bit thin, We count on Kristian to keep a watch on it for us.


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