Monday, June 29, 2009

Bands of booze-rattled Inuit

Canada's Inuit are among the world's most noble people. Their strength and fortitude, dealing with harsh living conditions are something we could all learn from. But as with any community, there's always a small number of dubious individuals that give the rest of the gang a bad name. Every major Canadian city has a gang of Inappropriately Inebrediated Inuit who congregate wherever there's booze on the cheap. Barkeeps love these people but residents are less keen. (St. Catherine Street mecca Bar Diana was once said to be owned by a guy who'd pay First Nations Canadians the flight from up north because they knew that they'd be top notch consumers of their swill.) Now Upper Lachine Road at its western tip has become increasingly overrun by such drunks. Typical conversation you might encounter if you cross one:"Scuu-eeeeeyuze me Sirrr-r, do you... have the time? Can't you hear me? F-u-uck you!" (I've been hit by this three times this summer). The bar on the left - close to a home where the Inuit stay in town while waiting for operations - has become the hub for such drunkards. A depanneur a few doors down was notoriously nailed for selling marijuna to the Inuit. The last photo shows a dangerously skinny Inuit woman dutifully walking (stumbling?) three steps behind her companion who is not an Inuit.


  1. Anonymous7:48 pm

    The bar in question used to be inhabited by Italians who carried on questionable card games int he back room...

    Did you mention that the bar is a stone's throw (to mix a metaphor)from the Inuit residence in the old immigration detention centre (previously the Towne Squire Motel where even more mysterious goings on are rumored to have been prevalent?)

  2. It's sad. Personally, I do find that Inuit who are in these dire circumstances are among the nicest and most polite panhandlers I've met, even if they're wasted. I've never seen that "fuck you" side -- from them.

  3. Anonymous8:57 pm

    Tipped over mailboxes, broken beer bottles and Hotel "Terry Fox Park" can also be added to your list.
    Living here for 30 years, this is right up there with the prostitution problem of the early 90's. Get them out. They might not be a in your face problem, but they don't respect our parks and streets. leave.

  4. i'm not sure if it's worse than the skanky, borderline-retarded teenage mothers and their poor, doomed kids,and halfwitted boyfriends and pitbulls.


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