Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Insider view on the boutique murderer

The following text was sent to Coolopolis by a one-time friend of one of the city's most cold-blooded killers*, Agostino Ferreira of 1032 Ontario East, who killed Claire Samson and Danielle Laplante in March 1990 at a clothing boutique on Laurier Ave. and then committed a series of other rapes, further irritating people by acting as his own counsel and cross-examining the victims at his own trial, giggling and asking them irrelevant questions.
   Ferreira was a waiter at the Crocodile restaurant on downtown Cathcart St.
   Ferreira later became the 173 th Canadian convict to be deemed a dangerous offender, which means that he will likely never set foot outside a Canadian prison again.
---Last night, I watched a program on TV called Un tuer si proche and it was about the serial rapist Agostino Feirrera who was arrested on January 4, 1995. I remember that night very well.
 Agostino Feirrera, Tino as I used to call him, was one of my employees and sadly, my friend.
   That day he was supposed to come in at 4:00 -4:30 pm for the evening shift, he was the only waiter that night because it wasn't very busy that time of year.
   He was late and for the past week, he was acting very strange, telling me stories about demons and him couldn't getting out of his room the day after Christmas, so I called his place to know if he was coming to work or not.
   I talked to one of his roommate who told me that he'd already left. And I waited for him but I was little bit pissed off. I wanted to threaten to fire him if he would be late again (that was the second time in a week).
   He showed up a little after five. He wasn't himself. He had shaved part of his head and was pale as a ghost. He told us (a barmaid, a busboy and myself) that he was leaving on a trip.
   So I asked where, he said he didn't know where or why or how long !
   Then I told him to get lost and call me when he will be able to talk to me in a reasonable way.
   And he left. So I couldn't believe it when a detective came to see me at the restaurant where I was working as the head manager to tell me that the police was looking for Tino.
   He told me that Tino had kidnapped and raped two girls that same day and that he was very dangerous as he was walking with a bomb around his waist...
Then he asked me to call him if I ever have some news from Tino.
So I called his place and I talked again to his roommate (Mario Gargantini) who said that Tino was busy, so I told the guy that if Tino wouldn't answer the phone, he could kiss his job goodbye.
    And Tino talked to me at last, don't ask me why, maybe because we were friends I don't know.
   I never mentioned the police man who was looking for him, nor did I talk about the girls.
    I just asked him what was going on, what was wrong with him lately. He told me that he wasn't able to answer me right now, that he wasn't in a good state of mind.
   We hung up as he promised me he will call later that evening.
   Right after that, I called back the detective and told him that Tino was home and they could go get him. And they did, with the S.W.A.T. team and everything.
  The rest is history.
  I never suspected him of anything, he was good looking, smart, funny and very protective of me. By the way, I'm a woman, I was born the same day and year as Tino.
   To this day, I still don't understand how someone could act that way with other human beings.
   I'm glad he was caught but I honestly think that it was what he wanted that day.
   Sometimes a friend can have a secret life that would send chills down your spine if you were to know the truth.
*The following description was read in the House of Commons by MP Pierette Venne: "On January 4, 1995, Agostino Ferreira entered a clothing store on Saint-Denis in Montreal. It was 10.30 a.m. and the store was empty. He indicated to the two young female employees that he needed their help to write a suicide note, but they did not take him seriously. In the face of this reaction, Ferreira showed them a bomb attached to his belt. He said it was powerful enough to blow up the whole neighbourhood. 
   He was also armed with a pistol. He calmly told the girls to get into a taxi. They were afraid that he would set off the bomb, and did what they were told. The three went to Ferreira's apartment. In a gloomy room, lit by candles, he had one of them write a suicide note in which he confessed to a double murder five years earlier.
   He then bound the girls with tape. He gagged them, blindfolded them and tied their hands and feet. He cut the clothes off one of them with a knife. He then raped both girls. They managed to escape when he left the apartment to get some cocaine. 


  1. i still remember that horrible story...i had just moved from the plateau and had lived right near where those murders and rapes took place. I do remember that he was this very goodlooking guy, but when he appeared at his trial he grew a wild beard and long hair and looked like Charlie Manson. I think they said he had all kinds of personality disorders and would never be rehabilitated.

  2. I knew Claire Samson. Before opening a Boutique in Morin Heights called Claire Matin, she lived in Toronto and worked for Radio Canada. She was a beautiful person inside and out and I'm very glad to hear the monster who killed her will rot and die in prison. I guess it's too much to hope that he's violently assaulted every day of his sad life.

  3. Can't remember the name of the store where those two girls were killed... was it Parachute? My girlfriend worked at the other branch at that same time, on the Main, so .. yeah.. I was glad she was okay, of course.

  4. I hope he is dead or he'll never be released.

  5. I can remember him coming to the TGIF where he was working as a waiter and turned to me and said that he had sold his soul to the devil. His eyes were black that night like dark pearls and pale in the face. He was awkward and scary that night. Later on that night I heard he had been arrested. I said to that person that she was alive as she was working with him and were friends

  6. Quand-même cinq bonnes années avant son arrestation, c'est énorme! Aussi, cette triste fin de journée j'ai essayé des boucles d'oreilles au comptoir tout près de la caisse chez Harlem, pour très vite les remettre entre les mains de l'une d'elles, puisque j'étais "serré" pour mon quart à la Pizzaïolle, à deux pas. La vendeuse me dit gentiment "reviens demain on ferme de toute façon". J'étais la dernière cliente, elle m'a suivie à la porte pour la verrouiller. Pendant la soirée on voyait l'activité des autorités, puis le lendemain les enquêteurs demandaient aux clients de cette journée-là, de les appeler. Ce que je fis. C'est un cas terrible. Un enquêteur m'a dit qu'il était dans le magasin, caché, quand la vendeuse m'accompagnait à la porte. Elle était gentille. Aujourd'hui, c'est la première fois que je reparle de cette histoire.

  7. Danielle , I knew her well , she was kind of snob , with her false french (from France) accent , but so young.
    IT is so horrible what she had to endure.
    Si Alive ...
    I Still cry so many years after.


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