Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Car surfing - it was a problem in 1937 too

   Car surfing is in the news again as a guy died hanging onto a moving car in Montreal just a few days ago. 
   Well apparently the problem was large and widespread in 1937, perhaps we could learn something from these streeters with Montrealers asked about what should be done about kids getting hurt from hanging off of cars.

Joseph Chaperon 5197 St. Ambroise - rabbit breeder - "Give them a swat and make them cry, that way their parents will see it and raise them better."

Arthur Larue driver 1421 Henri Julien - "I did it as a kid but it was less dangerous then. Parents should keep them from doing it."

Joseph Gingras - Carpenter 6425 St. Denis - Punish them and tell them every time a kid gets hurt or dies doing it, that should modify their behaviour."

John Walker 6745 Adam - mechanic - You can never really stop them but explain the dangers to them, show them education films and such stuff.

Arthur Saint-Onge 371 de Beaupre Police should stop any car with a kid hanging off the back and bring them to juvenile court. The parents would be more worried if they were getting fines.

Jean Jean Travelling Salesman Ahuntsic - build cars so that the children have nothing to grab onto.

Alfred Barrette - 6415 Jeanne Mance- Travelling salesman - it's extra work for the driver but he should really get out and shoo kids off his car whenever he sees one hanging from the back.


  1. Anonymous3:29 pm

    Too true. Peabody Sr. jumped off a running board as a lad in the 1930s. He had tire tread marks impressed in his arm for a while after that.

    Peabody Jr. (yours truly) road the running board of a VW Beetle in the 70s, jumping off while the car was still going faster than human feet could run in those days. Result, two skinned elbows, a skinned knee, and a whole lot of new wisdom. (i.e. It ain't like on TV.)

    One of your streeters had it right -- redesign automobiles so there's less to hang on to. Of course, maybe he hadn't envisioned roof surfing (aka Brazilian train surfing I believe) or YouTube.


  2. Anonymous10:04 pm

    Could the subject here alse refer to ski bottine? This is grabbing the bumper of a car (rear preferred) and sliding on your boots as the car drives around. Best done on snow-covered streets, so not as good today with salt being used. But on a snowstorm night... we have been known grab a bumper or two.


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