Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Drive-bys and nattering points

Time to stop whining about what a dark, wet, chilly summer it's been. You haven't seen a nice July since 2006, so get over it -- like these happy pedal-boaters captured under somber skies on Mount Royal a few days back.

Now that's a good-lookin' shack. Not all modern architecture sucks (overdue nod to Drapeau).

Ignatieff's corner: left, right or dead-end?

If you like animals, you should denounce graffiti. This 1907 fountain was dedicated to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. It was designed and executed by E & W.S. Maxwell Architects -- legendary firm of some of Montreal's greatest treasures. It provided a welcome pause to thirsty horses, even as their seated masters chuckled among their spoiled selves. Now it has been defaced, and the city hardly seems to care. It stands defaced still, more than a week later.
Hard labour for grafitti criminals. If they can't police each other, they will be policed nevertheless.

The second-most-boring Moving Day photograph. Stay tuned until next July!

Name the vantage point!

Don't worry, they have a net: a Battle Net!

Uninspired at Inspiration Point.

Recession shopper.

No money down. No interest. Don't pay until ever.

Dental floss will save your lawn. Really, you've got to give the people what they want: a shortcut!

Stalin lived here. (Newly demolished Drapeau-style building across from the old Union Stamp Shoes wall; too obscure?)

Scenic Montreal or Why West Is Best Part 1.

Another Montreal postcard moment.

Book your romantic Montreal getaway now!

We took this picture because a world-famous painter had set up her easel here. (Not.)

Scenic Montreal, or the recession predicted. (Don't worry, UQAM always knew we'd bail em out. Part of the plan, see? - Chimples)

Clamato and orange. (Cue the St. Denny mini-tour.)

I'm not really with Peter Gabriel, gurlz.

What happened to the bar hoppers that used to pack down this alley? Too much fun? (Too much 'asssssh, more like it. - Chimples)

The Franco American.

St. Denis -- go figure. Gems like this but a shambles still.


  1. RE: Name the vantage point

    Jewish General?

  2. Anonymous8:37 am

    Looks like C beat me to it by 21 minutes. Yeah, JGH. I took the same pic a few years ago.


  3. Looks like "C" stole my thunder. Yup I'm going with the Jewish General too.

    Where is that 1907 SPCA horse fountain located?

  4. Anonymous10:21 am

    Not surprisingly, rooms at St. Mary's offer an even better view of St. Joseph's.

    the Weaver

  5. The fountain is by Smith House, Mount Royal (just off the big parking lot).

  6. "(Newly demolished Drapeau-style building across from the old Union Stamp Shoes wall; too obscure?)"

    Not for everybody;


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