Thursday, July 16, 2009

!Q-Again - who is it and what'd she do?

In the early 70s this BC woman rocked Canada's viral iconography with a big smile and a bit of customized macrame couture in support of a heart-throb Montreal politician. Anybody?

Her name is Sarina Sandana and she's a lifelong supporter of the Liberal Party and, of course, Pierre Trudeau. Her T-shirt which read "Vote P.E.T. or BUST" caught the eye of a newspaper photographer sometime during a campaign in the 70s and ran in papers across the country.


  1. Anonymous9:30 pm

    Maggie Trudeau masquerading as Michael Jackson?

  2. Michael Black10:43 pm

    That doesn't look like Margaret Trudeau, but she'd certainly
    fit the question, being from BC, the heart-throb Montreal
    politician being Trudeau, and her having married him.


  3. It's Raquel Welch ("1,000,000 years, B.C.") and the politician was, of course, Pierre Trudeau.


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