Friday, July 17, 2009

Remember Jean Pierre Favreau

This sign - assuming it's still there, this photo was taken 4 or 5 years ago - reminds hikers of that narrow strip on the river to be careful not to get washed away down the St. Lawrence river. Attempts to find out more about Jean-Pierre Favreau have not borne fruit as of yet however. We'll keep y'all posted.


  1. How does one even access that area? Is it by boat or is there some kind of a path from the South Shore?

  2. From the city you can get on it either from Ile Notre Dame or via the ice bridge from Nuns Island. From the South Shore you can access it at either Seaway lock (St. Lambert or Ste. Catherine). Nice place for a bike ride, except during shadfly season.

  3. ...unless you're a shadfly.

  4. Ugggghhhh...shadfly season. I'm shivering just thinking about it.

  5. Anonymous4:31 pm

    The spot is on the bicycle path of the St.Lawrence Seaway, it is accessible by bike or on foot (but a 8 km walk is in order to reach the spot to the plaque which is still there.

  6. Here's a much more recent picture taken by me on (August 02nd 2016). It was the very first time I would go all around the St-Lawrence from Laval, so a big 110Km ride today. As soon as I saw something special in my side vision, I turned around as I though tit would be an "historical monument" then I've read what was written.

    Creepy as hell considering there's a "hidden path" on the left of that cross and that the guy died at the age of 27 and I AM 27!!! Well until this saturday heh. It felt even worse as 2Km earlier I saw in the forest a random bike and I was making stupid stories in my head such as a guy that was hidding a dead body, then I see this (-_-). Anyhow I've tryed googling it and I can't find any information but maybe it's because back in 1978 there was no Internet, just newspaper.


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