Saturday, July 25, 2009

Q-this not-so-beautiful row of houses on Prince Albert in Westmount was once home to the world's biggest what?

According to this photographic literature (click it to see it a bit bigger) this land housed a bakery which had the world's largest oven. Yorkshire immigrant Dent Harrison started selling crumpets door to door with a buddy in 1889 in the Point and then moved onto St. Antoine behind what's now the Chateau Champlain and then moved to Prince Albert just south of Sherbrooke. They built the massive POM factory at the Glen in 1930. Those were transformed into condos a few years back and the factory is on Pie IX, east side, just south of Sherbrooke. Dent's great grandson Peter Harrison sometimes gives speeches about the history of the bakery, so perhaps we can find him to enlighten us on some of the finer details of this narrative.


  1. Uh, milk bottle?

    Not exactly sure where that enormous white milk bottle was situated but that's my guess and I'm stickin' to it!

    Or perhaps it is where the POM bakery was and it was the biggest, oh I don't know, puff pastry?

  2. Anonymous8:46 am

    Is it the POM bakery?


  3. You guys are on the right track.

  4. Wish I could say what it was...but it definitely wasn't the Guaranteed Milk Bottle...that was downtown.

  5. Jean Naimard9:02 pm

    The largest bakery???

    The old Pride Of Montreal* bakery before it moved to the corner of Ste-Catherine and Lansdowne/Glen road???

    * Since it was in Westmount, why didn’t they call it “POW”???

  6. the old Westin Bakery?

  7. Yep! I'll post the "proof" in a few hours.

  8. Anonymous8:34 am

    I'll go with Weston Bakery. I had thought it was POM (aka Harrison Brothers), but I seem to recall it was the Weston site. POM's by the tracks.

    Incidentally, that "not-so-beautiful row of..." has won architectural awards, as I understand it.


  9. Jean Naimard1:20 pm

    Oh, yes, boy does “Harrison Bros.” rings a big bell…

  10. Sorry those houses are a beautiful example of modern urbane architecture. Open your mind to the world and all its beauty.


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