Monday, July 13, 2009

!Q!-Whose the only Montrealer to have a burger named after him?

Coolopolis couldn't find a real photo of the short-lived food, so to compensate we offer this bonus photo of tennis great Boris Becker enjoying the said repast.

FINAL CLUE - The burger guy is the first of four adopted children in a family that grew up in Beaconsfield.
He moved from the West Island to the States at age 16 when his parents divorced. He was an accomplished athlete but also rode a ton of pine in his day. He is now a microphone doctor, of sorts.

Real final clue: he's English, has a beard, is 7 feet tall and the burger named after him sounds like Beef Wellington.

Answer time. Yes after quite a bunch of clues somebody finally got it. It's Bill Wennington. He would really have stuck out at
the orphange as a seven foot tall kid if the Wenningtons hadn't scooped him up. It was a good deal cuz he did quite well, riding the coattails of Michael Jordan in Chicago from 85-00, once almost being allowed to play a full 20 minutes per game (MJ would get twice as much ice time as that). Nowadays Wennington does colour commentary for the Chicago Bulls. There's not much trace of the Montreal Wenningtons these days. Dad moved to Ontario and mom to New York when the couple splitzvilled. The Chicago McDonald's apparently briefly offered a Beef Wennington sandwich in 1988, according to the respected minds at Wikipedia.


  1. A McDonald's burger specifically? Because there is always Ed's Big Ed burger at Moe's.

  2. Anonymous8:43 pm

    Becker admiring the burgher's two buns.

  3. It must be the "Rusty Burger", named after Rusty Staub who was a Montreal Expo for several years back in the late '60s and early '70s (and who therefore qualifies as a "Montrealer", no?).



  4. I think Boris is enjoying something else.

  5. Cory Haim? ("The haimburger?")

  6. Firstly that's Boris Becker's wife, er wife at the time, he changes them a lot. So he's allowed to look at her boobies, it's part of his priveleges. You, however, are not supposed to gaze on them lustily.

    And the other thing - yes it's a McDonald's burger that I'm talking about. It was a fairly brief thing, and in one city only. To give you a hint, the current president might've eaten one.

  7. Dumb question Kristian - I'm in Trawnah and I know the answer. It was McDonald's short-lived 'Bourassa Burger' - essentially a hotdog sliced in such a fashion that it could be twisted round inside the bun, the hole filled with Habitant brand 'olde stylede relishe' and covered in dijon mustard, topped with cole slaw and served with the power of hydroelectricty on a lukewarm bun of ambivalent sovereignist sympathies.

    Ya burnt!

  8. Anonymous7:24 pm

    I'll go with Claude Mouton. The McDonald's Mouton/Lamb Burger. Yeah, that's it!

    Mr. Peabody

  9. Anonymous2:00 pm

    Chicago Bulls back up center Bill Wennington...played University ball at St. John's..and I believe he was on the Canadian National team......McDonalds was offering the Beef Wennington for a short period of time (1998) in Obama's hometown of Chicago.

    Jimmy Zoubris

  10. Whatever the actual answer is, I believe that my response of "Rusty Burger" -- replete with documentation and web link -- is, at the least, worth an honourable mention, and, at most, a legitimate correct answer because it satisfies all the criteria of the question.

    So, Kristian, what do I win...a new Corvette?

  11. Anonymous4:14 pm

    Not so fast. Lamb's on the menu in the Delhi Micky Dee's. Plus Mouton was a Montreal sports announcer.

    Do I get one of those new hybrid cars? Any government cash back deals?


  12. Ahem.

    Not even a crumb, Kristian, for uncovering the Rusty Burger? Even "Jeopardy" will let the judges let an obscure response qualify if it satisfies the question...

  13. Anonymous12:28 pm

    Yeah, but then you would have had to say: "What is a Rusty Burger?"

    Therefore: "What is a Lamb Burger?"


  14. Wait a minute, what about the short-lived (and short-limbed) Mad Dog Burger. Montreal's most famous one-legged wrestler lent (leaned?) his name to a burger joint at the corner of Place D'Armes and St. Jacques in the early 90s. Today, it's part of the fancy Hotel Place D'Armes. The counter where one placed and order was decked out like a wrestling ring, with ropes and turnbuckles.

  15. Good point. We interviewed Mad Dog about his restaurant chain on Coolopolis here:


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