Monday, July 13, 2009

Bootleggers loot beggared

Prohibition separated the men rum runners from the boys, back in May, 1925. That's when the Canadian cops started phoning in the whereabouts of Canadian bootleggers to their U.S. American counterparts. End of an era. Death of an export market. But then again, the crackdown probably didn't hurt the let's-go-to-Canada-and-booze-it-up tourist industry.


  1. not Seth so please don't snuff me out - it's all water under the bridge now anyway.12:32 am

    I'm probably going to get snuffed out for saying this but you can bet your bottom dollar that the Bronfmans were either making these calls themselves or paying off the authorities to make the calls for them. It had the double affect of not only taking care of the competition but also increasing profits.

  2. Chimples, hand me that pillow over there...

  3. Anonymous7:17 pm

    I'm a longtime NPR listener myself. Although Garrison Keillor can be a sanctimonious windbag, I do enjoy his musical guests.

    Mr. Peabody
    (tried to post this on one of your other blogs)

  4. Anonymous8:58 pm

    My mother used to sing the old prohibition song: "If my baby wants me/ You can tell her where to call;/ Good-bye Broadway/ Hello Montreal."

  5. Hello Montreal? Posted something about that a couple of years ago.


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