Friday, June 18, 2010

Odie Cleghorn of Westmount : first to change lines on the fly

   Westmount's Odie Cleghorn claimed that he was the first to switch up lines in the NHL 80 years ago as coach of the Pittsburgh team.
  "I told them to go as hard as they could while they were out there and I figured that in this way they might nullify the superiority of the players on other teams."
  Dick Irvin, another longtime Montrealer then claimed that he was the first to do it that same year. He was coaching Chicago at the time and the owner Frederic MacLaughlin ordered him to do it. Here's the article.


  1. Anonymous1:54 pm

    Fortunately, soccer is not hockey...

  2. Yeah, so fortunate that we have games like England 0 Algeria 0..boy was that a barnburner.

  3. MP and I5:11 pm

    Next they will have those vuvuzelas in the audience in the NHL and make us all deaf.

  4. Anonymous8:06 am

    I'm always intrigued when previously obscure terms such as vuvuzela enter the common lexicon.



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