Friday, June 25, 2010

Flying cars are on their way

With the slow progression towards flying cars, drivers will need short take off and landing strips and local authorities which will allow flying over their areas. I assume that many urban areas will simply refuse to allow these contraptions to fly overhead for various reasons. The flying cars - as portrayed in the video above - recently showed their colours at Plattsburgh and proved that indeed they can work. So if Montreal would find a short landing strip - not unlike the one that existed for a while near the Autostade/Costco area - and a path that would allow the flying cars to approach, people would be able to fly into the city at a great speed. Towns with low populations and low priced land would suddenly be sought after. Montrealers could easily commute from Hawkesbury or other such areas and indeed such places might be the areas of choice for many. So the progression of the flying car is not merely a technical challenge but also a political and logisitical thing. Where will they land? Will they be permitted?
   How will this effect real estate values? Such questions will be answered sooner rather than later.


  1. since it runs on a fossil fuel it's a completely pointless vehicle. by the time it's within the price range of the common person there won't be any oil left or it'll be prohibitively expensive.

  2. sorry, i just realized that this post is probably a joke. i just woke up for chrissake! i'm not entirely on the ball.

  3. M P and I2:40 pm


    The item about the Refs and the Hooters seems to have flown away?

    NO!!!!! Never could the majority of motorists, especially in Montreal, and in the Third World, be entrusted with vehicles that could operate successfully in other dimensions than basically horizontally firmly? on the ground!

    Can you imagine some idiot texting and flying at random cocooned behind tinted windows, changing air lanes and swooping down, or up as his/her pea brain or hormonal urges dictate, as they are doing now on streets and other crowded and hazardous surface arteries such as the Metropolitan?

    Visualized the Decarie Expressway in the sky with no white or yellow lines to channel the flow?


    Air Rage!

    Old grandfathers putting along at 20 mph looking for their destination thru dementia-clouded eyes and others in jets approaching the speed of sound, their own thoughts clouded by music at 3-digit levels

    Humorous to think about, but, in actuality, a disaster.

    Funeral homes would benefit, wreckage would fall from the heavens in 'Aluminum Showers'.

    You'd have to wear a hard hat all the time outdoors, similar to being in a War.


    More truth than jest.

    Thank You.

  4. You need a pilot's license, so not just anybody could fly one of these.

    I don't know how the authorities would be able to refuse pilots the right to fly their planes around. I guess the government could say these aren't safe, but assuming it passes that hurdle it would be just like any other plane.

    I suppose they could also force these planes onto air paths over rivers and fields rather than houses, so even if one went down it wouldn't hurt anybody on the ground.

  5. Anonymous4:05 pm

    This would be a great way to open up Herouxville to rich Saudi expats.

  6. Anonymous4:21 pm

    Yeah, all well and good, but can it haul an airborne camper trailer?


  7. Jean Naimard12:10 pm

    If the FAA clears the contraption, there’s not much anyone can do to ban them…

    And if you need a pilot’s licence to fly it, well, that means that it is flown by someone who knows how.

    Lastly, if it’s used for commuting, well, the pilot will rank a lot of experience, and as they say, “there are no old, bold pilots”…

  8. Jean Naimard12:11 pm

    Other things:

    Luckily, by the time it gets widespread, the airport shuttle will be running, so we won’t have to worry about seeing those in traffic…

    But with terrorist scares, and the need for comprehensive airport security, I don’t see very well how those things could be quickly admitted from the road into the airport secure areas…


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