Monday, November 15, 2010

Q! name as many of these guys as you can! Also the year?

Plus you get a bonus then and now! Helps you get to sleep!


  1. Is that the whole club? Wow...I can't believe how small it was back then...or how large the Cup was! Good stuff!

  2. Looks like the Stanley Cup winners of the 1945-1946 season. (M. Richard is young, pants of "after war" fashion, and the cup form.)

    The whole list of players is here:

  3. justsomeguy5:20 pm

    Fourteen, I think. 1944 Cup-winners? Durnan Bouchard, Mosdell, Irvin Sr., Heffernan, Blake, Fillion, Reay, Getliffe, Gorman, Lach, Chamberlain, Reardon, Richard.

  4. A few are obvious: Irvine at left, Rocket bottom right, Lach, Blake etc but can you name them like from left to right or clockwise or by row?

  5. Ghost of Steinberg's8:02 pm

    Wow, did not know a former wax museum (the Pharmaprix) and a former Steinberg's (the Metro store...) were the site of an hotel way before corner Queen Mary and Côte des Neiges. Heard Côte des Neiges was quite a village at the time with all the stores on Gatineau street. Great piece of history here !

  6. Today's Cote des Neiges district was indeed a village where many tanneries were located.

    The residential area being developed east of Decelles was known as Northmount, named after the Northmountland Company (la Societe Northmount Land. See:

    A forgotten fact is that the slope upon which the main building of the Universite de Montreal stands is named Northmount.

    Indeed, prospective street plans circa 1914 indicate Northmount Avenue where Jean Brilliant and Louis Colin currently exist.

    The catacomb-interior wax museum was interesting but certainly not great. It was replaced by the current Pharmaprix.

    Up until the late 60s early 70s, when bus route 165 was inaugurated, commuters needing to continue north on Cote des Neiges from the corner of Queen Mary had to transfer to the 18 bus.


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