Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Anti-wood-stove battler goes to her grave

   Edwidge Skulska of St. Bruno died at 84 on April 27. She was a librarian at UQAM, ran for town council in 1995 in hopes of bolstering English services. But her real stuff of interest lay in the feud she had with her neighbour Robert Langlais. Eight months ago their massive, festering suit-countersuit was resolved. In that suit Langlais sued Skulska for $70,000 and she countersued for $30,000. The main issue in their feud was his habit of using a wood-stove which she said really stunk up the air in the vicinity. The conflict escalated into various other forms. She was eventually ordered to give him $10,000. Wonder if she ever actually signed the cheque.
   The moral of the story: wood stoves can be pretty stinky devices and they can get on people's nerves.


  1. Expo60SethN12:15 am

    Looks like Leona Helmsley. I know, not helpful, but looking at the
    "0 comments" for this story for days, I had to do something.

  2. I only learned about it because my name is cited in the court document. Apparently the neighbour didn't like what she said about him in the article but the judge said that it is in no way defamatory.

  3. What's the difference between wood stove smell and barbecue smell? Isnt it better?


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