Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Bauer murders

John Bauer
   The home at 85 Alta Vista in Kirkland was the scene of one of the city's worst-ever crimes.
   Over three days, starting September 18, 2001, John Bauer, 51, shot his wife and three sons, his father-in-law and a business associate, all but one within these walls.
   Dead were his wife Helen, 50, sons Jonathan Bauer, 22, Wesley Bauer, 19 and Justin Bauer, 13.
   He also killed father-in-law Elmer Carroll,75 in NDG. He later lured business associate Lucio Beccherini, 44, a into the home and shot him in the back of the head, the same way he killed the others.
   John Bauer then set fire to the house in seven spots and killed himself. The blaze was extinguished. When neighbours got to the fiery house one or two victims was still alive but died within minutes.
Mylena N's boyfriend died
   Bauer had, up to then, been a good-mannered man who was president of the Lakeshore Minor Hockey Association for a few years and worked as a sales representative for Labatt and drove a Budweiser van.      He had taken a job at a finance company in St. Laurent a few months earlier and there was some mention that he was in financial difficulty. His wife volunteered at the nearby church and his sons were exemplary kids, hardworking and good athletes.
   Bauer committed the Kirkland Massacre methodically over three days and mailed out a letters to relatives outside the province explaining that he wanted them together in Heaven.
   Wesley's girlfriend Mylena Natcheva, then 17, was one of many who had seen John Bauer with his family a few days before. She attended a family birthday party for the father in law and everything seemed in order.
   Kirkland Mayor John Meany and MNA Francis Scarpallegia, who also lived nearby, expressed shock, as did many others.
   Homicide detective John Roberts later remarked that the neighbours extended significant help, patience and cooperation in the subsequent lengthy investigation, sometimes bringing hot coffee to their trailer, and so forth.

John Bauer

Wesley Bauer


  1. Anonymous10:58 am

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  2. Anonymous11:10 am

    Is this the house in Dorval where two elderly people where viciously beaten to death by children?


  3. This is a house in Kirkland in which six people were shot dead. I think one of the six was the killer and he suicided. I thought I remembered that the house was also burned down, but I guess not.

  4. Anonymous1:02 pm

    The house where the two elderly people were beaten was on St Charles in Beaconsfield (or Kirkland, right near the border, not sure which city it was in) it was a one-story bungalow I believe, and the other comment is referring to in kirkland on altavista street. the husband/father with financial problems who shot his wife, three kids (and brother-in-law??) and then set the house on fire before killing himself. I believe the house was repaired and resold. Not sure if this is the house tho?

  5. Kate's right, not the Toope's; that was in 1997 you rubes!

  6. Anonymous10:42 pm

    The garage where the guy painted the door with the Greek flag and had a court fight on his hands thereafter?

  7. Anonymous9:53 am

    The Toopes was in the mid-90s. I know because one of the killers used to come knocking at my door early in the mornings to hang out with my little brother because his folks kicked him out of the house before 7 a.m. every day. (His parents were drug-addled losers who went on frequent binges.)

    The Toopes themselves lived in Beaconsfield on a house just west of St. Charles, IIRC. Their son is now prez of UBC.


    1. What was the kids name?

    2. yep corner of Sherbrooke and St. Charles.

  8. What house did the Toopes live at? I know it was on St. Charles in Beaconsfield. There seem to be about a dozen homes that it could be. The articles never mentioned an address.

  9. According to the 1995 Lovell directory the Toopes were at 242 St. Charles.

  10. Bauer murders took place in 2001 (not 1991).

    Apparently the eldest son had moved out and the father lured him back to the house after having shot his wife and two younger sons. Horrific story.

    This crime, the Toope murders, the Fertuck murders (deranged son murdered his parents, also in 2001), the Gonzales murder (son killed his father in 2003) and the Tzokovitch murder/suicide in 2006 all took place within a half kilometre of each other.

  11. The house is actually pretty nice now

  12. Yo, any new info on this? I’m from
    Australia but stayed in Beaconsfield for an extended period of time and was fascinated by the concentration of incidents in the area.
    Would love to hear your opinion on it.

    1. I was a firefighter that arrived on that terrible Sept 20 2001 was hell

  13. my dad used to work for a company Lucio Beccherini owned, and he had met this John Bauer character. I doubt he would have been in danger, but I was glad he had quit working there several months earlier.

    I was actually hoping you'd have some more insight into this story! The piece that ran in Macleans is facinating. This guy was hardcore into gambling and owed money to loan sharks all over town. And the guy was working at Spurs in NDG months before he died! If that doesn't somehow connect to the West End Gang, I dunno what would!

    I'd also always suspected Lucio Beccherini had something to do with this loan sharking stuff (even though on the surface his company had turned down Bauer's mortgage proposal). And for some reason it really stuck with me when I heard that the company that had leased Beccherini his Ferrari was at his house trying to repossess the car within an hour of the police discovering the crime scene (which I know for a fact because Alan Chaput told my dad that)

  14. Thanks for the excellent input and insight. I wasn't aware of the McLeans article and would love to read it. It's comments like these that bring out the grain in the woodwork.

  15. I was there that terrible Sept 20-2001 day.I was one of the first firefighters to arrive on the scene .at 9:37am house fire 85 Alta Vista- Kirkland..structural fire...I entered the rear of the house and entering visibility was I entered I was a body..It was unconsious..I pulled it out and started CPR
    On lifeless body..each compression I noticed hemorrhaging from the head..I felt back of his head and realized there was a large wound..gunshot...he was dead.. I then entered the basement .full of smoke..I saw 2 more bodies hugging embracing..his 2 younger sons..both firefighters ..we are seen as supermen that can fly and walk through burning of steel and honor..well after seeing those 2 son there same age..tears began to fog up my air mask..for a moment ...I too was human...I realized WTF happened..I composed back to was HELL for everybody.the lost lives..families that will never heal and us firefighters too..20 yrs ago that happened and I'm retired now..I still have memories of that tragic event...

  16. I was at the fire on Sept 20 was pure I entered the burning bungalow...the visibility was zero.i stumbled and tripped over was a was lifeless so I dragged the body out and started CPR ..with each compression there was blood from victims head...I touched back of head and there was a large head wound...he was dead..I then went downstairs in basement and 2 more bodies...the 2 boys where dead embracing each of the boys was my sons age..tears came to face mask as my mask fogged up...I needed a moment to compose myself and continue to fight the retired now ..20 yrs ago..and I still remember that tragic was HELL...the info I got was he couldn't pay sharks where coming after his family so bauer didn't want them to as a act of love..he killed them himself...


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