Sunday, February 26, 2012

Nun's Island: What to do with all the new space?

   You surely know of my personal connection between Nuns Island. My father was involved in the early ownership but had some legal disputes with the other guys who bought in and eventually developed the place. The initial idea was to make it like the rest of Verdun, sorta triplexes, etc. But the legal dispute made for a few years delay which led to a rethink and the plans were retooled. So it became the rather more posh thing that it is today. One of those developments, sent by a friend, is a good example, as you can see in this link.
   But The Question nobody seems to be asking is this: when they build the new Champlain Bridge it'll surely connect to the island in a much less intrusive way. So that could theoretically free up something like 150,000 square metres of land. That's something. So this is your chance to start pushing for the organic chicken farm, giant trapeze orgy facility, super windmill bicycle monorail ferry and so forth.


  1. How about a nudist beach at the western tip, and the world's largest water-slide to give La Ronde some competition?

    Hey, I can already see the crowds arriving in droves: especially those who have wisely second-guessed going to Mexico as human targets for the next decade or so.

    Of course, that would mean tunneling a new Metro station smack in the middle of Elgar Park.

    Howls of protest anyone? No? Then let's do it! At least it would be Money better spent than on another ludricrous arena somewhere that nobody really needs or would ever use--that is, until it's demolished for a bigger one!

  2. Anonymous8:27 am

    Isn't it Nuns' Island? Sorry to go all plural possessive here. As in Ile des Soeurs, not Ile de la Soeur.


  3. Anonymous4:15 pm

    Don't you think they'll tie the new bridge into the old approaches to the bridge with a kink? There is a new condo tower going up in the eastern corner but I haven't been to see exactly where.


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