Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Lower Main vintage 1958

Goofy kids look at 10 cent girly pics
  Back in 1958 cops would arrest from 20-40 people on the Lower Main every single night. A prostitute would cost $2, a hot dog and fries .15 cents and a goofball $2.
   They also had little machines where you could pop in a dime and see naked photos of women.
   Many people busted on the Main wouldn't even go to court, because they didn't even want the word to spread that they set foot in the lurid area where hookers and pimps would routinely roll dupes and where booze was often not even real.
  All this from this sorta awesome Canadian Magazine photospread.

1 comment:

  1. A hot dog for it is about 1.20 at La Belle 12X the price...hookers were $2...too bad they aren't $24 today...what makes those heroin-addicted tattooed pieces of white trailer park trash worth so exponentially more today than a hot dog? A shortage of girls who want to earn money rather than collect welfare?


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