Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Montreal city's auction hits the dusty trail

   What do you see when you look at a car like?
   Perhaps you think, "Oh man there must be an amazing drug den around here to get someone that high that he forget about his car for two weeks."
   But if you're like me you might think that this car could soon be impounded and sold for a bargain price at auction and that could be money in your pocket for resale.
   (I also think, however, that someone probably stole it and abandoned it there. I'd be curious if the theft victim would still be responsible for paying those tickets).
    So if you're curious about how the city auctions work, here's what I can figure: About five years ago the city shut down its monthly auctions in Ahuntsic.
   They said the boroughs would have to do it on their own.
   Meanwhile they handed over some gavel responsibilities for certain used city vehicles and other seized cars such as this to a private auctioneer called the Ritchie Brothers, located in St. Hilaire.
   The only boroughs currently doing auctions are Lasalle, Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, RDP/PAT, St. Leonard and Verdun.
   I called Verdun and they told me that they think there might be an auction on Feb. 28 at 1177 Dupuis but that I'd have to check the local community papers to confirm, so you could go in an bid on a locker full of abandoned Verdun funiture if you were really determined but you'll have to figure it out on your own.
   If you want to get your foot onto the pedal of an old cop car or a vehicle seized by cops, you'll have to bid on the Ritchie Brothers auction, the next one taking place on March 20 and 21, apparently in Mont St. Hilaire.
   (Hey Alanis, isn't ironic that the places that sell cars are always located in places that you need a car to get to?)
   I was too darn busy today to ring up and pester for more details, but apparently you can also bid on line. Here's the link to see what they've got, there might be a bargain in there for you. I wouldn't recommend you buy an old cop car, however. I had one and it needed constant repairs.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently city auctions are also a great place to buy bicycles.

    Why spend hundreds of dollars to buy a new, overpriced bike, especially when you probably only use it a few months of the year anyway?


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