Friday, October 24, 2014

Montreal's Rajiv Rajan's scrapbook

Kimveer Gill, left and Rajiv Rajan 
   Pierrefonds resident Rajiv Rajan, who was close friends with 2006 Dawson rampage shooter Kimveer Gill, has posted these photos to his Twitter account.
   Rajan has reportedly been diagnosed with schizophrenia and was quoted in an excellent newspaper report as having taken some responsibility for the fatal shooting incident which left one dead and 19 injured.
   He said that Gill was "easy to psychologically manipulate."  
   Gill killed himself at the shooting after being shot in the arm.
   According to the article, Rajan's response to learning of the attack was that he was "looking at myself in the mirror," and "laughing hysterically."
  He was reportedly placed in what was once known as the Pinel Institute for the Criminally Insane for a month following Gill's shooting.
   The only serious crime Rajan appears to ever have committed was the theft of an ambulance.
   Rajan remains active on social media and sometimes takes to YouTube to create videos in which he simply talks into the camera, often reading encyclopedia-style online texts on such subjects as schizophrenia and the Canadian Criminal Code for several minutes at a time.
   This morning the Pierrefonds resident also posted some items on his Facebook page, including images from the 911 bombings and Denis Lortie's attack on the National Assembly in 1984, perhaps not a great idea following a pair of terrorist attacks in Canada.
  The dates of these photos are unknown, but of course the photo at the top featuring Gill was taken prior to September 2006.
   It might be worth noting that Rajan is believed to be a Sikh, so no Islamic stuff can be imputed into this.

He has also posted photos of what appears to be him having sex with a blonde woman. 123.


  1. Greetings Kristian.

    I did not expect you to report on recent 'conversations' as soon as you have done.

    Non-the-less you are the journalist with the ties , the voice to speak out.

    A such I respect your decisions.

    Yo know who I am ;)



  2. In the light of recent events, in my opinion such clearly disturbed gun freaks with a history of mental problems ought to be monitored as far as the law allows in order to prevent potential further incidents, particularly disgruntled individuals who have openly voiced threats in public as well as online. Revoking passports is obviously not enough.

    Under the provisions of Canada's National Security laws, all suspected ISIS sympathizers should be considered Fifth Columnists and arrested just as on May 30, 1940 fascist leader Adrien Arcand and selected party members were detained and their vitriolic, hateful documents seized.

    For years, Arcand's fascist "Partie National Social Chretien" published virulent propaganda from various offices such as 414 Notre Dame East, 1725 St. Denis, and 1582 St. Denis, with rallies held at the Paul Sauve Arena.

    During the 1970 October Crisis, the FLQ and its fellow travellers were similarly rounded up during the War Measures Act.



    * * *

    Attention, newbies using Windows: those 1,2,3 links connect to the Tinypics website at which point a bogus "Adobe Flash Player Update" popup may appear.

    DO NOT accept the offer and close the page. You may even have to use Task Manager to accomplish this in order to prevent nasty malware from infecting your computer.

  3. Nutters will nut.


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