Wednesday, October 01, 2014

What happened to Montreal's blue brick backroads?

    Up until the mid-sixties laneways near Old Montreal were covered in blue bricks at a time when alleyways were routinely used as legitimate roadways.
   According to Janet Coutts, who around 1963 lived in a seven-room $75-per month cold water flat on Notre Dame near Montcalm, taxi drivers would ferry her home from her workplace on Bishop, taking laneways for much of the route in order to avoid red lights.
   The laneways were eventually paved but and somebody appears to have purchased the blue bricks which were quite beautiful, she notes. 


  1. Well...They might have put a Hyphen or an Apostrophe in it??

    Thank You.

  2. I missed this one earlier. What's really interesting is the blue bricks are neither brick nor stone. They're made of slag from ironworks. I found this out last year on a tour of the city architectural archive.

  3. Such cobbled streets are too problematic for cyclists to use. The recent introduction and popularity Bixi bikes has no doubt relegated such roads to "no go" areas.


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