Sunday, December 21, 2014

Red Cross street fundraisers getting on people's nerves

   Red Cross fundraisers have come under fire for aggressive techniques, a bad habit exposed by what seemed like an innocuous Facebook status update.
   Here's the original post followed by five complaints and then finally, a response.

Here's the thing, Red Cross: I respect what you do as an organization but after having waved off your street team members in the metro twice, what gives them the right to block my access to the turnstiles and then call me out for ignoring them?! That's sure to gain support. Good day, sir!

1-was actually verbally assulted by one of the guys who practically live at vendome, trying to shame me for avoiding eye contact and ducking as he practically tackled me. theyre vicious!!
2-On Ste Catherine Street too, they are very agressive... pissing me off...
3-they're really starting to remind me of the SPA Canada street team which was just awful.
4-their street teams are the worst - aggressive, rude, pushy...they're not doing the organization any favours
5-dude they're so rude! i was texting on my way out of the metro a little while back and the girl was like HEY HOW ABOUT YOU GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND LOOK UP AT ME in the rudest tone. yeah that's how to get me to donate.

To their credit someone from the Red Cross responded on the very same thread:

I work as an instructor trainer for this organisation - this is NOT the image we want to portray. I love the Red Cross, and everything they do. Please do not let overzealous volunteers put a damper on all their good works. If you feel harassed, please call 514-362- 2930 and speak to customer service!
Thanks for the heads up!


  1. And what about Bell Canada who continues to mail promos and door-to-door reps pushing their Fibe TV service? I can only assume that their motive is to crush competitor Videotron as quickly as possible.

    By the way, I haven't passed by Ogilvy's in awhile to see if that annoying "spoon man" is still bolted to the sidewalk. Perhaps he sleeps in a nearby drainpipe overnight.

    In my opinion, buskers and other sundry street artists should be required by law to circulate and not squat forever in one location.

    It's wonder they don't scuffle amongst themselves for the presumed "best spot" the way hookers do. ;-)

    Regarding the recent complaint about certain public benches being fixed with extra armrests to prevent deadbeats from sleeping on them: this is nothing new, as such benches have existed in certain areas such as the Old Port and Lachine Canal for many years now.

  2. The Oxfam moochers on Wellington are equally bad.
    Thinking that they're entitled to your time, they go full feral when advised otherwise.

  3. Canvassers and such ARE a real annoyance all right.

    The laws governing that whole cash cult should be tightened up! On the telephone, too!

    Christmas brings out the worst in people and the worst people out all too often.

    Charitable greed?

    The now-long-gone wooden benches in Central Station were removed to prevent snoozing I understand.

    Miss the pay lockers, tho', which were handy.

    There used to be an 'Organ Grinder' on Ste. Catherine back in the Tramways days who had an arm missing.

    ( There were some in the Peep Show places, too, older kids said, as if they knew? )

    He waved the stump as he cranked the organ with the other hand.

    Scared kids like me with it, the War just over with all it's horrors being revealed in the newsreels.

    Detractors said it was a hollow leather shell in which he clenched his fist on a hand hold, both arms and hands being healthy.

    After his shift, it was said, he walked to a big Packard parked nearby and drove home to Westmount.

    So it was said.

    There was another guy on a platform with wheels w/a can of pencils.

    Also scary to meet face-to-face as a child. A short adult that would never be tall again.

    Thank You for the tip, Mr. U.L.

    Thank You.

  4. Heck, even as a little kid I remember vaccuum-cleaner salesmen coming to the door. I think my mother actually bought one, too, and it lasted for years. (I have a 1964 Hoover Constellation still going strong, amazingly enough!).

    Then there were guys selling, margarine, pencils, and brushes door-to-door (the Fuller Brush man!).

    Good thing Maytag didn't have a travelling sales as well. ("Excuse me, ma'am, but would you care to try out this new model washing machine I just lugged up three flights of stairs? No?!".

    One regular wiseacre would even stick his cardboard "business card bookmarks" into the mailboxes that said, "No pedlar", and of course the Jehovah's Witnesses would come too, hoping to get us all to "Awake" from their "Watchtower".

    The latter group seems to have adopted a new strategy of late, though: stand still behind your magazine rack, don't say a word, don't even move and maybe, just maybe the suckers will get curious and approach. Hmmm.


  5. Red Crossed...

    The red cross has been caught numerous times stealing/hoarding/diverting cash in the past. The examples are plenty and the red cross has a legacy of corruption. Why anyone would give them a single penny is beyond comprehension.

    The look on their faces when I tell them I'd rather donate food or clothes or toys is priceless!!!

  6. I would hazard a guess that the Red Cross would rather have your blood than your money. ;-)

  7. My Cable Provider ups the amount of blood they harvest quite regularly.

    Thank You.

  8. I used to break up my friends by reading those red Cross "Give Blood, Save Life" advertisements with a thick Transylvanian accent.

  9. Red Cross doesn't handle blood in Quebec. And ALL of those on-street ambushers (no matter the group) are a pain in the neck. They shouldn't be allowed to do that.

  10. Some general discussion here:


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