Saturday, June 13, 2015

Montreal, 1990 in photos: Not pretty

   Photos from a book called Montreal The International City published in 1990, apparently about five writers, including someone named James Ferrier and Louise Legault penned it.
   You just have to love that cover photo of that not-very-interesting sculpture in front of that equally tepid building on De Maisonneuve near McGill College.
Then in its section on local companies showcases this gem of office interaction.
A plastics company that makes utensils is featured in this pic of them posing with their product on a red pillow.

Some sort of photo of Mayor Jean Dore doing a swearing-in or something.
Brian Mulroney doing some sort of thing or other.
Montreal factory workers at the Hersheys plant making Twizzlers. 

1 comment:

  1. When did the 90s start to look like the 70s?


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