Monday, October 03, 2022

Pointe aux Trembles axe murder of 1973

 Rejean Tousignant, 36, and his wife Monique Martel or Monique Tousignant were living with their four boys and one girl, all aged between 6 and 15, at 684 Colombier street in east end montreal's Pointe aux trembles district but that ended dramatically and decisively at about noon on 11 December 1973. 

The couple had married in 1955 but fought like cats and dogs almost from the start and both even survivied a double suicide attempt in about 1972, with Rejean swallowing pills and monique shooting herself in the chest, leaving her injured. 

@megaforcemedia #Murder in Pointe aux Trembles #1973 ♬ original sound - Kristian Gravenor
Somewhere at that time Rejean met Denise Parenteau, aged 41, in an east end nightclub. She was five years older and had four kids of her own but managed to find time to become Rejean's mistress and the musstacouchied car salesman even moved in with her for a while at the start of 1973. 

This heightened tensions in the Tousignant household, with rejean later telling a court that monique had taken to threatening him and the kids.

One day Rejean bought an axe at a local hardware store and snuck up on his wife  monique, slit her throat and hit her a doen times hard on the head, leaving her with a bad case of dead. 

He put the axe in a bag and gave it to parenteau who tossed it in a river where it was never recovered.

Police arrested both Rejean and his mistress Denise Parenteau    and both went to trial. 

Rejean pulled various antics, including refusing to testify, and then firing his lawyer but nothing helped, as he was sentenced to life in prison . 

Denise Parenteau got a week-long trial and ended up getting the same life sentence after  in april 1974, with her yelling "you'll regret this" to the courtroom as they took her away.

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