Sunday, September 20, 2015

Shooting outside the LaSalle Aquadome

    A non-fatal shooting outside a popular LaSalle indoor pool - used by countless families with small children -  has caused some worry.
   The victim - according to a La Presse report - is Andrew Griffin, 36. He was hit by a bullet in the leg by one gunman and then with shotgun pellets by a second shooter while mounting his motorcycle in the parking lot outside the pool on Wednesday September 16 at 1 p.m.    
   He is expected to survive and the shooter has not been apprehended and likely never will.
   As in all such cases, the question arises whether more shootings are on the horizon.
   We have no idea, frankly.
   The victim Griffin is believed to be a distant cousin of the NDG Griffins, one one of whom was killed and another was jailed for murder.
   Andrew Griffin is a tall, strapping fellow, well over 200 pounds. He frequently swims at the Aquadome and hits a gym in the Point.
   He managed or possibly owned the Dilallo's Restaurant at 6107 Sherbrooke West which ran from about 2002-2004. He might have worked as a nightclub bouncer.
   It is not to be assumed that Andrew Griffin is in any way a criminal or that he has had anything to do with the misbehaviour of Richard Griffin, who was shot dead in 2006 or John Griffin, convicted of homicide in 2003.
    The Griffin brothers are often described as being in the Irish West End Gang but their hearts were with the Italian mob, with whom they did their business. The Matticks clan, which sat atop the West End Gang, reportedly did not do biz with the Griffins.
   A media report suggesting that the victim might have been in a circle with the now-deceased Ritchie Matticks (old age) and his rising lieutenants the Larammee brothers (shot dead in a bar) does not shed piercing light on the situation.
   The most solid bet is that a turf disagreement might be at the root of the incident and violence or further shootings will - hopefully - not recur.

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