Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Double murder on Christophe Colomb

Jacques Vadeboncoeur, 35, and Marcel Simard 25  
   Sometimes the best of families see their young'uns take the wrong path.
   That seems to be the case for the Vadeboncoeur clan, one of Montreal's oldest.
   On Monday January 23, 1976, Germaine Vadeboncoeur entered her vacant property at 4822 Christophe Colombe, in a now highly-desirable part of the Plateau.
   She had given a pair of keys to her son Jacques, who lived a seven-minute walk away on Fabre, so he could showcase the building to prospective buyers, but it turned out that he was likely using it to conduct drug deals.
   Mom found her son Jacques lifeless on the floor, having been shot to the head execution-style, alongside pard'ner in crime Marcel Simard.
   There was also a quantity of drugs left at the scene, leaving investigators perplexed as to what might have happened.
   One theory: the duo had been selling low-quality drugs and someone didn't like it.
    Jacques' uncle Maurice had recently retired as assistant director of the Montreal police, so one might assume that investigators worked the case as best as they could.

1 comment:

  1. Chuck3:43 pm

    Soon, people will Google their address and discover some ugly stories ! : )


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