Thursday, February 14, 2013

No good deed goes unpunished

Ernie Jenkins, 20, killed Frank Vardon, 30 for trying to prevent
him from shooting himself
   Frank Vardon popped into Ernie Jenkins' apartment at 7100 Cote des Neiges #407 on December 12, 1977.
   Jenkins was determined to shoot himself with a recently-purchased .22  rifle.
7100 CDN
   Vardon didn't think that was a great idea.
   Vardon attempted to stop Jenkins from pulling the trigger but ended up catching a bullet in the eye and dying.
   Jenkins was brought in, charged and released while it was being decided whether he'd face charges.
   But his woes were, predictably not over. Jenkins was hospitalized on Tuesday December 20 at 7 a.m. after once again trying to off himself, this time with medication.
   Vardon, who lived at 2270 Orleans, would have been 65 today.
   No word on whatever happened to Ernie Jenkins but we're pretty sure he didn't become Prime Minister or CEO or anything.

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