Sunday, February 10, 2013

Montreal: boot-shaped island

   We've always suspected that Montreal is a dead ringer for some other thing but could never put out finger on it. Now thanks to a six month effort by Chimples, fueled largely by South American bananas, we've matched our geographical shape with a Victorian-era woman's lace-up boot. Okay, so it's not the snazziest of possible footwear but we now understand why Montreal North up to Ile Bizard has that lacey-thing going on, while Verdun has heel-like qualities and our beloved Ste. Anne's is a bootstrap sorta place.


  1. Almost like Rapa Nui in reverse...

  2. Lauriate Roly.1:58 pm

    When I went to school in Montreal, it was to what was considered an Irish school. Turned out that most of the kids were Italians. I learned Italian there just by association with fellow class-mates who were of Italian origin.
    I often wondered why there were so many people from Italy who came to Montreal. Now that I see our island is “boot shaped”, I can quickly understand why the Italians chose an island close to the shape they preferred similar to their homeland. Benvenuti nella nostra Isola !

  3. Anonymous5:11 pm

    Been saying that for years! Although I always saw it more like a hockey skate.

  4. How many know that Montreal's "Ground Zero" is at the corner of Hutchison and Mount Royal Blvd. Yup, it's true!

    Cold War paranoia of the 1950s apparently urged our civil defense department to lay it all out in black and white should an H-bomb be on its merry way to obliterate us all.

    See the Gazette for November 17, 1951, page 19 with map and November 19, 1951, page 4...the "On and Off the Record column paragraph which begins..."Civil Defense Authorities have established..."

    Don't bother driving toward the bridges, folks...BOOM!

  5. Anonymous5:37 pm

    pretty cool das boot! I always thought the island was shaped a boomerang. Maybe that is why Montreal always ends up back where it came from before and does not progress in a straight forward manner! Does not everything repeat here - non? Robert


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