Sunday, February 10, 2013

PQ co-founder Gilles Gregoire: did fellow pedophiles go unpunished?

Gregoire, at left, led a forerunner of the Bloc Quebecois
sitting as a separatist MP in  Ottawa before
joining with Rene Levesque
   Gilles Gregoire was not only the co-founder of the Parti Quebecois, he was also an incorrigible pedophile.
   He was busted not once, but twice for multiple liasons with little girls aged as young as 12.
   The first of these convictions occurred when he was party president.
   Rather amazingly, his June 1980 conviction and fine of $600 for having had sex with girls aged 15 and 16 went unreported in the media and he was re-elected without word getting out.
   Then in March 1983, when Gregoire was already aged 56 and married, he was busted anew for the same crime, having had sex with seven girls between 12-17 years of age.
   He had plied the girls with cash and even got some of the older ones to try to procure younger girls for himself. He was sentenced to two years less-a-day in prison, which meant he could serve in a provincial institution. He had faced up to 14 years.
   One 17-year-old testified that Gregoire paid her $1,600 for sex acts performed at his Ste. Foy apartment between the fall of 1982 and spring of 1983.
   He persuaded them to do a threesome while they were drugged up on beer, marijuana and "other drugs." He persuaded one to bring him a 12-year-old girl who lay naked from the waist down on his bed. He then performed oral sex on her while two other teens watched on. The 12-year-old was upset, however and left with $140 while the other two girls present split $400.
   The 17-year-old later admitted that she had attempted to blackmail him and Gregoire indeed apparently had recordings of those attempts, but it didn't change much however.
   That's all we know of the specifics of his escapades because Judge Andre Sirois ordered a publication ban after the first day, saying it all sounded too pornographic.
   Gregoire was under suspicion after a relative of one of the girls noticed the wee lass hauling more cash than she could explain. So the relative reported it to Jean-Claude Verret of the Quebec City police youth protection team who conducted a three month investigation and ended up charging Gregoire for pedophile-related crimes committed between April 1982 and January 1983.
   Gregoire was elected to the House of Commons as a Social Credit MP in 1962 and launched the  Ralliement National in 1966, which he merged with the PQ in 1968. In fact, he named the Parti Quebecois, a monicker which Levesque initially opposed.
   Gregoire served as PQ Vice-President under Levesque from 1968 to 1972. He lost his first attempt to become a provincial MNQ in1972 but was elected to Frontenac in the Eastern Townships in 1976.
   He was also once robbed at knifepoint in his apartment by two young hooded robbers, who tied him up with his own ties and left him in his bathtub. It's unknown whether that event was related to his affection for little girls.
   When the accusations came out in 1983, Gregoire lashed out at police, saying that they did not have the proper warrants but Pierre-Marc Johnson dismissed that charge. Gregoire also said that he found himself exposed to the young girls at parties he attended along with politicians, businessmen and other Quebec City  notables.
   If that was true, Gregoire could potentially have brought down some high-ranking sex-ring participants and there was some suspicion that Judge Sirois protected others in ordering the publication ban.
   But whatever Gregoire did, he took it to his grave in 2006 when he died at age 80.
   His victims are still presumably alive, probably aged somewhere between 42-52.
   If there's a way for more truth to come out, this would be the time.


  1. Anonymous6:42 pm

    Off topic, but here is a source of story leads:

  2. A shocking story like this has to make one wonder if what is revealed by the media is only the tip of the iceberg.

    Whenever I would pass by all of our staid-looking convents, monasteries, and religion-based educational institutions, I'd wonder what was really going on inside behind those closed doors. A cynical attitude, perhaps, but nevertheless unavoidable.

    Having to take vows of abstinence must surely be a dilemma for some who may later "justify" any perverse misdeeds by proclaiming that they were later "penitent".

    "Ummm, sorry I messed with your kid but I am now truly sorry and anyway, God will forgive me, so I hope you will to? See you in church?"

  3. MTLaise11:18 pm

    Most interesting. Yet not astonishing.
    Would love to have this further exposed today, but unfortunately current politics would stand against.

  4. Where do you get the notion that the media went hush-hush on it? It was all over the news, and we talked about it for weeks.

  5. @emdx... check the links, it was reported that the judge put a publication ban on the case after one single day of testimony. I found only one article describing the trial and am thinking that the informaiton in that article came from the single day which is was reported on. It's possible that Gregoire was bluffing about other high-ranking individuals being complicit in pedophile sex parties as well, but it's worth further investigation.

  6. Well, I remember the news talking a lot about it…

    The publication ban was most probably for the testimony heard, but not for the fact that Grégoire was a pedophine, and everyone was harping about that.

  7. ...while Priests were abusing kids all over the province until the 90s...

    Then and now, just look at the ridiculous sentence Guy Cloutier got for making Nathalie Simard and an other one his slaves for decades, he got out after 1.5 years....our justice system is disturbingly lenient for these awful crimes.

    @UrbanLegend: Its sad how our scandals came out a decade after those in the US and UK. Looking at how thin the Wikipedia article on Canada's church abuse is, there must be hundreds of stories still untold of what happened in those remote secluded private schools all over the province. Think most recently the Clerc of St-Viateur.

  8. Over time, the attitudes of society and the police have changed.

    Read the incredible Gazette story of July 27, 1956, page 17, entitled, "Police Free...",
    and imagine the outrage that would ensue should a similar incident occur today.

  9. Anonymous9:37 am

    Man what about Daniel Johnson Sr. wife , she got shot on Marcil by her lover, who committed suicide.Never made the papers. mid 50's

  10. Anonymous11:23 am

    You are all assuming he was guilty. To me it all sounds like a set up. These girls were obviously old enough and clever enough to blackmail him so why couldn't they have set him up??? The ban...maybe the judge smelled something fishy and ordered a ban so his reputation would not suffer too much. If I remeber correctly this was a period where the liberlas and Trudeau would not be afraid to do anything to do whatever it takes to make the PQ look bad....Did you guys forget he even instaured Martial Law and got honest family man and social orkers, mothers, anyone for no reason at all, I was in contact with a close relative of Grégoire and he told me some details about this story. It was all a set up to destroy his political career. Before taking for granted one man's guilt. Get ALL the facts right before assuming he's been released just because he had political contacts. Charron was caught and judged guilty just because he stole some gloves.... Don't you think Gregoire would have been sentenced as he was suppose to for a crime of that importance??? It was all a set up but his memory his darkened forever... Have you read that link carefully? It says here that the judge cleared the court before hte lawyers of Gregoire could present their case.... That the policeman had tapes showing Gregoire with young girls...Why didn't he showed them??? C'mon... Be a little more scpetical before swallowing everything that's being throwing up at you in the newspapers..Especially during these troubled political times... Instead of wondering if what was revealed by the media is only the tip of the iceberg, ask yourselves what do they have hide. When the operation Scorpion involving lots of public figures in juvenile prostitution lead them to court, they din,t spare them. Why would they have for this guy??? On the contrary, they would have been triomphant about laying it all for you, serving the liberals cause. The Gazette wouldn't have spared him a bit. They just didn't wanna show how weaak their case was. This was a well orchestrated set up that led to the demise of a very well known, appreciated, popular, successfull PQ politician who was close to René Lévesque. They couldn,t go on René Lévesque himself so they went to people close to him. The word pedophile itself screams out for revenge and blinds our judgment. I have been in close contact of one of his relative and got the whole true story. Befre you condemn blindly. Check both sides of the story and the whole context in which it all took place. I do not believe for one second I convinced anyone here, I even thin I wll get replies full of hate and all but I do not care. I know that what really happened ain't even close to what's being written in these newspapers..... One word: BULLSHIT!

  11. Gilles Gregoire is mentioned in Paul Palango's early 90s book "Above the Law," an extremely interesting read for any student of Quebec corruption. A retired Mountie recounts his old war stories, including Gregoire (then a Creditiste MP) going out of his way not to pay parking tickets and forcing the Mounties to come into Parliament and frog-march him out. Seemingly a publicity stunt for him to grandstand on language issues and claim the parking tickets hadn't been made available in French.


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